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Starbase 113 - How long do we have to wait

Posted on 2024, Fri Feb 16th, @ 5:11am by Rear Admiral Ilyce (Pronounced Ice) Collins & Lieutenant JG Jewel Marsden & Petty Officer 1st Class Quoiba Quest

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: The Attack Of the Cadavera(Starbase 113/Outpost/Townsend)
Location: Various deck of Starbase 113
Timeline: current

"This is ridiculous. How bloody long does human body parts take to float from Kalkarindji to 113?" Arctic asked, as she floated just out of touch distance from 113's hull.

"I have no idea." Inferno Mase stated, slowly turning 360 degrees to take in her surrounds. They were merely two of the suited people drifting calmly outside Starbase 113, as thousands of robotic crab like bots, marched their way over the Starbase's hull, each carrying twelve of the new hull plates towards their grid destinations. Marching their way back to one of the shuttle bays to collect their next load of twelve, as other bots took over placing them into the square shaped grids which now covered all of the Starbase.

"It certainly helps using tech." Mason Jaye added from where she drifted. "Anyone actually know what these plates do?"

"Nope. Only told, they are to go on first, with the neon yellow ones second, lightly peach colored one's third, followed by lily, pineapple, green, mildew, melon, grey, white then there are three different shades of black and ending with mulberry. Then, there are patchings plates, of twenty colors which are spread out over the entire hull." Poison McCaught shrugged.

"Then here are three layers of what looks like paint, transparent, but I don't think it is paint. Followed by three more neon pink plates, thicker than the other ones, and a final layer of black platting, with a rubbery surface, to which the bots can adhere. So if 113 moves, they won't fall off." Casey Jasmine added.

"Sounds like Sugar and Viv fell into Mad's brain." Arcadia Sorrens stated.

"Hey, it means that Damage don't have to give way if Constructors appear for their regular hull inspection." Fire Blaze another of Mad's DCEs stated. "Anyone checked Marsden?"

"Sympathy found some woman at the Academy who is retraining from Counselling to teaching, who is now some Admiral's assistant. Sympathy got Jewel to agree to talk to her. We're keeping her away from men unless absolutely necessary. Mad's been updated." Echo's voice echoed through headsets, from somewhere inside the station.

"Do we know what happened?"

"She went into an office with said Admiral and a Captain, both male. Sympathy wouldn't say what happened, only Jewel rushed out." Their comms were secured, which meant they could discuss business, without fear of anyone over hearing.

"Are they Klingon ships?"
"And we haven't gone to red?"
"Weapons aren't powered."
"Hang on they aren't normal Klingon ships."
"Did Mad say anything?"
"Nope. Just had the HPDOS (Hull Plating Defensive Offensive Systems) onto 113's hull. AQAP."
"Holy heck, they're Klingon Cargo Ships. I thought they were a thing of the passed."
"How much of our goodies have come from the past?"

"Does Mad know any Klingons?"
"T'Gar, Trey'Gar, Tav'Ir, Tav, and a couple of other names I've heard her say."
"Does she speak Klingon?"
"I stopped asking. I only found out three weeks ago, that she's got Reviewer status. She uses the same number for everything."
"50361306." Several of them chorused.

"Do I have to bead eye check every form?" Sympathy's voice came over every com.
"Nah, we're got Klingon Cargo Ships coming towards 113."

"113?" Sympathy asked. "You sure?"
"Totally and their weapons aren't powered."
"I'm going to suggest you all go Protective."
"We're protective before we leave our start point."
"If you're not, you better be before we return."
"Okay, let me see what I can confirm."

They looked at each other.
"Well who the heck else would she call?"

"Some secret agency deep within SF or the Marines."
"Yeah right."
"Next you're gonna have Kalk be working for SF."
"More like the Marines."
"You don't think so?"

"Ah we've got problems. Some not ours are making a run for the bay."
"And doing a bloody bad job of it."
"I suppose there goes our relaxation period." They began to move toward the panicked suit wearers.

"Okay people, take your fingers off those sticks, and take a deep breath." Inferno instructed. "We know you can see the two Klingon ships. Their weapons aren't powered. And they've been given permission to dock." She snagged three suit wearers, stopping them with her own NonAtmo. Wrapping their gloved hands, stopping them from reaching for helmets. As she did, she silenced their channels, leaving them only hearing hers. "Who the hell attached their comms to command."

"I've got them linked to mine only."
"Ah, we've got three being beamed onto one of the.............. Shit me too.." Poison McCaught wasn't happy, when she landed down hard on a Klingon transporter pad, taken down by three ST wearing suited males. Activating her coms, Poison, gave a long sharp whistle, bringing all noise to a sudden halt. Taking off her helmet she looked at the three SF suit wearers.

"Don't open your bloody mouths." Poison climbed to her feet. "For adult men, you're certainly piss poor idiots. Did any of you notice their weapons?" When no one answered, she continued. "No, you wouldn't have looked. They weren't even powered. They are Klingon Cargo Vessels. Not bloody finger flappers. Now put your bloody helmets back on and lock'em." She glanced at the Klingon who stood behind the Transporter. "Two Kilometres off the starboard bow." She barely finished locking her helmet, before they were beamed.

"Bloody idiots and I'm not referring to hard heads. Did I tell anyone of you to open your mouths. You'll not make a single sound, unless I demand it. Now. Lighten your pressure on your sticks, keep your finger there, make a straight line for the station. And God help the three of you if I'm still pissed when you're back in."

"Mase and Seven are heading out to meet you."
"Did they say anything?"
"I didn't give them a chance. I stopped the wailing. Told the hard head at the beamer, two klicks out and barely got my helmet back on, before we were beamed. No, I didn't see any house markers."
"Got it."
"Gotta say though, they certainly aren't on the small side. Now, if it had been four of us. I wouldn't have been in such a rush to beam."

"Enjoy your drift in."

Jewel Marsden - 113 - DCE1
Arctic Coquix - Intrepid - DCE1
Inferno Mase - 113 - DCE - Mads lot
Mason Jaye  - 113 - DCE - Mads lot
Poison McCaught - 113 - DCE - Mads lot
Casey ' Case' Jasmine - 113 - DCE - Mads lot
Arcadia 'Arc' Sorrens - Townsend - DCE1
Echo Seven - 113 - DCE - Mads lot
Fire Blaze  - 113 - DCE - Mads lot
Antarctica 'Ant' Matthews -  New Orleans - DCE1
Anatye Olocke - 113 - DCE - Mads lot
Isseka Liiam - 113 - DCE - Mads lot
Erakala Hardy - 113 - DCE - Mads lot
Quoiba Quest - California - DCE1
Yunyarinyi Fiona - 113 - DCE - Mads lot - DCE Pilot
Tanner Greyson - 113 - DCE - Mads lot - DCE pilot
Sympathy Gibbons - 113 - DCE - Mads lot 
Rain Carter - 113 - DCE - Mads lot
Eden Xacton - 113 - DCE - Mads lot
Cyclone Lorne - 113 - DCE - Mads lot - DisabledTO 
Blue Forrester - 113 - DCE - Mads lot - DisabledTO


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