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Starbase 113: A language of their own

Posted on 2024, Mon Jan 29th, @ 7:13am by Lieutenant JG Jewel Marsden
Edited on on 2024, Thu Feb 1st, @ 11:42am

1,182 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Attack Of the Cadavera(Starbase 113/Outpost/Townsend)
Location: Starbase 113
Timeline: Current

Lt JG Jewel Marsden, sat on one of the remaining seats within the security checkpoint of Starbase 113, and waited for the queue to die down. It seemed their transporter was not the only one which was delivering new arrivals to Starbase 113. Sliding her bags close and out of the way, she shifted to the left to let another two women take the remaiing seats.

"I'm Rose Batten. Teacher."
"Fi Bailey. Strategic Operations Officer. Project Eneabba."
"Jewel Marsden. WDDCE."
"What is WDDCE?" Rose asked.
"Wet Dry Damage Control Engineering." Jewel answered.
"I thought it was just DCE?"
"It is. It was. Now it's either." Fi stated.
"Project Eneabba, isn't that the missing person's project?" Jewel asked.

"I didn't realise that 113 had a group."
"Anywhere can have a group."
"Do either of you know who the CO is?" Rose asked as people pushed into the line. "I'm sending out requests for people to talk to my kids. I'm drawing a blank at who is commander."
"Big Chair." Fi corrected.
"What?" Rose didn't follow.
"The RO sits in the Big Chair. People refer to them as the Big Chair."
"What's RO?"
"Ranking Officer."
"Okay, now I'm sinking."

"RO is Ranking Officer and that means the highest ranking officer of the station. They sit in the big chair, so when people refer to them, they call them the Big Chair." Fi cleared up the mud.
"The Big Chair is Ilyce...."
"Ice. Ilyce is pronounced.... What did you just say?"
"That 113's RO is a women called Ilyce Collins."
"Holy Shit!" Fi looked around, then lowered her voice. "Are you certain?"
"Yep. Walked in from the DC, with a group of animals, went straight up to the CD. I'd gotten a not."

"What?" Rose looked from one to the other.
"RO ranking officer. DC, docking collar, CD command deck."
"Put them together. The ranking officer sits i the big chair, so they call them the big chair. A woman cae through the DC, which is the docking collar, the link between a ship and a station. She had more than one animal with her. She went straight up to the CD, which is command deck."
"Bridge." Rose stated.
"Bridge for ships. Command Decks for stations or outposts."

"And not?"
"So a women walked through the docking collar with more than one animal, took the turbo lift, to the command deck and you, got a notification that the station..."
"Starbase." Fi and Jewel corrected.
"So a women walked through the docking collar with more than one animal, took the turbo lift, to the command deck and you, got a notification that the starbase big chair is that women." Rose tried to keep up.

"And that woman is called Commodore Ilyce Collins."
"Ilyce is pronounced Ice." Fi stated. "Project Enebba Big Chair."
"This says she's a lecturer as well." Rose added. "Topics, tech, history, unusual subjects, weird and wonderful. It's a big topic list." Rose scrolled through the data which came up unde Commodore Ilyce Collins name and picture.
"That it is." Fi confirmed.
"Ghosts, death, war, mysteries, traditions, myths. She gives lectures to all ages, both Star Fleet and civilian."

"So, you think she'll talk to my kids?"
"You won't know if you don't ask." Jewel stated.
"I use the Request Public box right?"
"Thanks. So you both want to meet latter and get something to eat and drink?"
"Sorry Rose....."
"Yes, Rose we'll both be there." Fi answered cutting Jewel off. Barely waiting till the younger woman took her place in one of the short lines, before wrapping her hand around Jewel's arm and dragging her towards one of the other lines, as far away as possible.

"The last thing I wanted to do is..."
"Lt jg Marsden WDDCE, and I'm Lt Fi Bailey Project Eneabba." Fi handed her identification across to the security officer.
"Got it. No civilians." Jewel did the same as they were waved through.
"She doesn't know when to shut up." Fi stated as they moved towards the Star Fleet Turbo Lifts.
"But you're still going to humor her."
"Think of it as your good deed for the cycle."
"I'd rather scrub mould."

Fi grinned as they stepped into the TL.
"So, what do you say we meet up at six, have a meal and a drink, then have a second one with Rose?"
"Only if we choose a SFOE."
"Star Fleet Only Eatery. Done."

Stepping out on her choosen deck, Fi slid her card along her quarters slot and stepped inside. The rest of her gear had been transported, and was positioned in the middle of the room. Walking through her quarters, she took in the sight through the viewing windows and watched another ship ease into the docking collar.
"Okay Ilyce let me know you're here." Smiling when something hit the wall across from her, Fi glanced in that direction, watching as a book floated up from a crate. "Thank you Brimley." She watched the book spin on one corner. "Did our fearless leader puke?" Watching the book start spinning in the opposite direction, she laughed. "You know Brimley, I almost wish I could have been there."

Jewel dropped her backpack onto her bed and took in her new abode. ~Atleast it's not a share.~ Jewel thought. She'd come up in the world. "Let's hope 113 is up as well." She wasn't sure what had happened in the waiting area. She normally stayed out of the crowded areas. preferring to stay in her work zone, but Rose and i seemed to lasso her. At least Fi was an easy woman to talk too. Rose was younger than both of them, and a little green to the ways. It didn't seem to have cost her anything to converse, so it probably wouldn't cost her if she did it again.

=/\= LT Marsden. Report to Deck Seven with your gear. We have eleven people stuck in TL Eighteen. =/\=

=/\= On way. Marsden out. =/\= Reaching for her WDDCE suit and it's layers, she began to change. Slipping two of her toolbelts around her waist and a third around her left shoulder. Clipping the rebreather tank into place, grabbing her helmet, slipping her sleeve commuicator into place, she began slipping her gloves on, locking them in place, she headed for the door.

"Maybe, just maybe this could take hours." Jewel listened to the door clip shut and lock. Getting within touching distance of the TL, she stepped inside. "Sorry folks DCE is required on deck seven. You'll have the TL back, as soon as I'm out." Jewel puched her code into her sleeve commuicator and watched the lift's white light change to yellow, the upward ascent beginning at a faster pace. "WDDCE Marsden."

"Over here Lt." She shook the security officer's hand. "I'm Lt Briggs. Someone pressed the emergency button, they aren't the most quiet lot." Jewel could hear the noises they were making.


"To be brutually honest Lt we're not getting a lot of clear language."

"Then, let's take a closer look, shall we?"

Written by Rose Batten, Jewel Marsden and Fi Bailey


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