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The First Flight

Posted on 2023, Thu Aug 31st, @ 1:58pm by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Vice Admiral Katie Snow & Lieutenant Commander Malcolm Reese & Captain Logan Reese & Commander Quinn Pensky-Reese

534 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: New Era
Location: USS Halo
Timeline: Departing To New Romulus


The Admiral Walked onto the bridge and a Computerized voice spoke "Admiral On The Bridge" It was the new AI system. All The Crew were at their stations when the Admiral walked in, Commander Renee was at Tactical, Captain Reese and Vice Admiral Reese was in their chairs to the left and right of the Command Chair, And Commander Reese was in Down in Main Engineering, Off to the Left stood Ambassador Snow, The Federation Ambassador they were transporting. He did a Slow walk through the entire bridge. This is My ship, The Nicest, Most Advanced Star Ship ever to be put into service, Even has Holographic Control panels..This is not bad Then finally he stood in front of the Commander Chair. And Put his Hands Behind his back and looked to the View Screen.

Captain Reese said up from his chair and stood next to the Admiral. "Good morning Admiral. The bridge is all green and the crew is at their stations awaiting your order sir." He said.

"Thank You Captain, Admiral Reese, Sorry for not meeting you early on, Had quite a few Signings and Inspections to do, So Welcome Aboard."

The admiral looked at the other admiral. "it's okay sir and thank you." He said.

"Your Welcome.." The Admiral tapped the Intra ship Comm button on his chair. "Bridge to Engineering, Hows Everything down there Commander?"

"Admiral. The engines are green and purring like a kitten sir. She is ready for a long journey sir." She said.

"Thank you." He turned back to the View Screen and sat down. And tapped the Entire Ship Comm Channel. "All Decks This is Admiral Townsend Prepare for Departure. Helm Disengage All Moorings, One Quarter impulse"

"Aye Aye, Disengaging All Moorings, And One Quarter Impulse"

The View Screen Shifted a little as the ship started to move. In a few minutes they cleared all Space Docks and Ships. "We are in the Clear sir"

The Admiral smiled..And said "Set Course For New Romulus...Maximum Warp, Punch it."

"Aye Aye" soon the View screen switched to the College of Blues created from the Warp bubble.

"Captain Reese, Can you show Mrs. Snow to her Temporary Quarters?"

"Yes sir. Right away. Follow me Mrs. Snow." As he got from his chair and took Mrs. Snow to the turbolift and took her of the bridge.

After the Doors closed. The Admiral stood. "Admiral Reese With me, Ready room"


Once they got off the Turbo Lift Snow spoke. "Thank You Captain, I am surprised that He made you do it and not someone else"

"Well I am his first officer. And well. He trusts me Mrs. Snow." He said.

"I was meaning, your the First Pearson that I met who is a First officer to a Admiral to have the rank of Captain"

"Not the first one in starfleet history Madame." He said

She nodded and entered her Quarters, Before the Doors shut she said. "If you need me, Contact me." then they shut.

Captain Reese went back to the bridge.


Captain Reese got back to the bridge and sighed in relief.


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