
Get To Know The Cheif

Posted on 2023, Wed Aug 23rd, @ 11:30am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé

287 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)
Location: Deck 1-CO Ready Room
Timeline: Current

=^=Admiral Townsend to Commander Renee, Please Report to The Ready Room=^=

Chris Pulled up Renee's personal File and read through it, And Got ready to ask some questions.

=^= aye sir on my way =^= , Jason has never served on a fleet before and is nervous to meet the Admiral.

Within 5 minutes Reneé was at the ready room door, he buzzed for entry.

Chris looked up and Said "Come" he stood as Reneé walked in.

"Welcome, Please sit" Chris said as he motioned to the chair

Reneé extends his hand for a shake and says thank you sir then sits down, Jason looks around and see's pictures of the Admiral and a good amount of service pins.

"So, First Question for you is, Why Did you choose Security and Tactical? In My Opinion is one of the most dangerous spots on a Ship." He sounded very EX-Military Like, Even his way he sat, He was ALL Star Fleet, Or He was what Star Fleet Represented

"Security has been a a career and I want to expand my opportunity even if it means to work with the best the fleet has to offer. I understand that this position has it's pros and cons along with it's dangers. "

The Admiral thought about this response then spoke, "In your file you stated you Ambitions was to Reach the Rank of Admiral Is that Correct?"

Yes sir, I know it's not an easy rank to obtain but it's a goal to look forward to.

"Well, If you stick with me you will Get that rank" Admiral said

Thank you sir says Jason.

"Your Welcome, At some Ponit We will get to Each other better, mabye eve become friends, Thats it for now, Dismissed"



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