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Captain's Log: Settling in

Posted on 2023, Tue Aug 29th, @ 10:40pm by Captain Logan Reese

201 words; about a 1 minute read

Captain's Log supplemental. While my family was settling in the U.S.S. Halo, my father Malcolm Reese had gotten a huge promotion. He outranks me and my wife Quinn Pensky Reese. Kind of surprised but he is now the Admiral's Advisor. Something that I wasn't expecting. Although, kind thought that I would've been asked I am happily happy with my position as Executive Officer. My wife on the other hand is the Chief of Engineering and Chief Counselor on board the Halo. Although my baby sister, Lyric Reese, is annoying at times she is my little sister. Lyric doesn't have a position at all. She's just a Lieutenant Commander and a family member of my family.

The Halo is still in spacedock and awaiting orders from Starfleet Command. We still don't have a full crew but we can manage. I'm sure that Starfleet Command will send shuttles out to enforce us with more crew members. Although, not surprised at all. This vessel is a good and strong vessel. The Halo is the first of her kind and shockingly, we can do something that this ship can't do. My life with my wife and this ship is my first best destiny.


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