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The New Commander In Chief

Posted on 2023, Fri Aug 25th, @ 10:09am by Fleet Admiral Pat Lovell

145 words; about a 1 minute read

"Computer Begin Log"

"Fleet Admirals Log Star Date 79647.67754312516,

I have finally Moved everything into my Office on Earth and have some things in my orbital office on Star Base 1. I will soon talk with Admiral Chris Townsend who is the CO on the USS Halo which is still docked above Utopia Planitia. But Its still waiting on Crew, it has a Chief SEC/TAC officer but still needs crew. But none the less when its ready, It will prove to be the best ship we have at my disposal. I will be meeting with my Adopted Sister, Ambassador Katie Snow about her being switched from the Earth Office here and get moved to the Romulan Home World to Be their Federation-Romulan Ambassador. End Log"

He rose fixed his Rank on his collar and walked out of his Office that over looked the Golden Gate Bridge.


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