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Newly Transferred. Star Date 2402

Posted on 2024, Thu Aug 22nd, @ 9:53am by Captain Amelia Faye 's
Edited on 2024, Thu Aug 22nd, @ 10:01am

113 words; about a 1 minute read

"Well, here I am aboard the Halo. After being stuck at the starbase for what felt like months, I finally feel a little more at home. I'm still getting used to this ship, it's a bit bigger than the last I was on, almost intimidatingly so. But I'm proud to be here serving as part of her crew. Boldly going into that dark sea ahead..I am curious to what we will find out here, or what we may encounter. This is Petty Officer Amelia, signing off."

this Petty Officer 1st Class Amelia Faye 's
Communications Officer , USS Halo


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