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The start of something new

Posted on 2023, Wed Aug 23rd, @ 3:59pm by Lieutenant JG Jason ReneƩ

181 words; about a 1 minute read

My name is Jason ReneƩ, I have been hired to be on the USS Halo, I've come a long way to be where I am.

It all started when I was just 18 yrs of age, I wanted to do something interesting with my life and that's when I heard about Diamond Fleet. Still being young I decided to start out as a security officer on earth 1, this was all new to me but I always heard great stories about star fleet and diamond fleet, my grandpa was chief engineer on DS9. This is what sparked my interest as a young lad, (I'm going to skip to now)

Fast forward to today, I had left the ready room after meeting the Admiral and I have a lot of respect for him as my ambition is to also become an Admiral some day that's my goal.

Mom, Dad I miss you guys and I wish you could be here on the USS Halo.

(standing tall and at attention, computer Renee' prompted.....take photo and send to my parents)

Commander Jason Renee' sign off


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