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Update, and More Romulans

Posted on 2023, Thu Oct 5th, @ 2:35pm by Admiral Christopher Townsend
Edited on 2024, Thu Jan 25th, @ 1:51pm

505 words; about a 3 minute read

Chris, a seasoned officer of Starfleet, sits in his Ready Room, a small, quiet space reserved for officers to work in solitude. He looks calm and focused, as he takes a sip of his freshly brewed coffee.

He then clears his throat and begins speaking, addressing the ship's computer: "Computer, begin log," he says in a firm, yet calm voice.

The computer responds with a single beep, indicating that it's ready to record Chris's log. The room is silent, except for the sound of the computer's soft humming. Chris takes a deep breath and begins to dictate his thoughts, detailing his observations, experiences, and plans for the day ahead.


He continues.

Admiral's Log,

It has been a month since the Halo's first mission, which ended with a confrontation with two Klingon Warships on the Federation-Klingon Border. That political dispute has been resolved. However, during this month of waiting for our next mission, I received some news: I am going to be a father again. Kate told me a few days after our arrival.

We also have some new crew members. One of them, Lt. Rose Andrake, was not initially assigned to the new flagship of the entire fleet and was to be put on a low-service vessel. I had her transferred to the Halo to give her another chance. She had a no-promotion restriction, but I removed it and promoted her to Lt. I read her report and learned that she has had a troubling past, having lost her ship, crew and husband. I couldn't imagine losing Kate or even Katie for that matter. I sent Mrs. Rose to Kate to talk about her troubles instead of keeping them in. They should also get along well as friends.

We also got an XO in our Star Fighter Division. She is not relatively new to Star Fleet but not too old from Star Fleet either. She is in the middle, does what she is told, and should get somewhere big someday.

I had some technicians come and fix the replicator in my family's quarters. It might have gotten a crack in its control panel after it messed up my order, not once but twice. Although I did get a good laugh out of it, as did Kate and Katie. But enough about family things.

Today, I received orders and disturbing news. A Federation Ambassador's Aide has been murdered or has "died of natural causes," as the Romulan Embassy put it. However, the Federation could tell a lie from 50 miles out. So they have sent me and my crew to investigate and find out if the Aide died of natural causes or was murdered. If it was murder, I have strict orders not to start a manhunt in Romulan space, but if they are located in Federation space, I have been given the authorization to start a full-blown manhunt. But truly, I don't want to do that, so hopefully we won't have to.

End Log.

"Log Saved Admiral, Have a Great Day"


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