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Day One

Posted on 2023, Fri Sep 29th, @ 7:43am by Lieutenant Rose Andrake

228 words; about a 1 minute read


Couldn't sleep well last night. Spent most of the night moving into quarters and going over manuals. When I did sleep, my dreams were... Honestly, I don't want to talk about it. I know I'm supposed to. Orders from the last counselor. But honestly, I'm not on the San Clemente, anymore.

So I asked the ship's computer if it knew the concept of hullsong. She does. Claimed it to be a silly superstition from the early days of space flight, still common among freighter crews. Well, I was a freighter captain, once. It would help me sleep if the computer could simulate the hullsong of this ship in my room. Say what you will about these new ships, but their AI are a lot smarter, and a lot nicer. Almost as soon as I said it, the room was filled with little sounds.

I could almost feel the reverberating of trace gasses on the hull and shields, could feel the minor asynchronicity of the warp core, and feel the plasma flowing through the nacelles. I could hear the water and the energies of the power conduits, all the piping near my room. It's wonderful. Beyond beautiful.

I'm gonna go back to bed, now. I expect with this type of white noise, I will be sleeping like a log. Never understood where that phrase came from.


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