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My own thoughts from my visit to my mother and my grandmother

Posted on 2023, Mon Sep 18th, @ 2:44pm by Commodore Emily Janeway

203 words; about a 1 minute read

Personal log of 9/18/23

I’m being honest with myself I’m still looking forward into being in charge of my own ship but I’m still trying to figure out how not to be disappointed with myself because of my physical condition which means that it’ll be hard for me to working on full capacity and full confidence in myself as well as my own abilities of my own company of the missions that will take place in this months journey for my family and my boyfriend’s position as The lieutenant colonel of my ship, before that even happened me being really romantically involved with someone else with that is apparently part of my job so it’s just different things that I’m experience with my own life journey. Since I’ve been working with getting introduced to my new colleagues for my first vessel it’s really been nerve racking for myself because I’ve been trying not to think about who’s was the person that tried to actually take me out. If my mom is a going to have a good team possibly she’ll be able to take care of this problem once and for all.


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