Specifications - USS California NCC-63829

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The Sovereign class is currently the fastest vessel in Starfleet, with a maximum cruise speed of Warp 9.9 and a top speed of Warp 9.99 for up to twenty-four hours. The very high cruise speed is intended to allow the ship to deploy as rapidly as possible to potential trouble spots


Class Sovergin
Role flagships, command and control centers, diplomatic envoys, first contact headquarters, front line defensive, and exploratory
Duration 120 years
Time Between Refits Minor : 1 year Standard : 1 years Major : 10 years


Length 680 m
Width 240 m
Height 87 m
Decks 24


Officers 300
Enlisted Crew 400
Marines 50
Civilians 30
Emergency Capacity 1500


Cruise Speed 8
Maximum Speed 9.9
Emergency Speed warp 9.975 (for 15 hours)

Weapons & Defensive Systems

Shields Auto modulated shield system, total capacity 4,590,000 TeraJoules
Heavy Duranium / Tritanium Double hull plus 10 cm Ablative armor.
High level Structural Integrity Field

Equipped with the latest in Ablative armor technology, which when active encases the ship in a shell of ablative armor that makes it virtually impenetrable
Weapon Systems 12 x Type XII phaser arrays
2 x Rapid fire quantum torpedo tubes
4 x Type 4 burst fire photon torpedo tubes
3 x Transphasic torpedo tubes
Armament 150 quantum torpedoes
300 photon torpedoes
30 transphasic torpedoes

Auxiliary Craft

Shuttlebays 2
Shuttles 2 Type 8 shuttles
4 Type 9 shuttles
6 Type 11 shuttle
Fighters 10 Valkire Figthers
Runabouts 4 Danube class Runabouts