Welcome To Hell(Outpost/Janeway)

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

General Janeway, a seasoned Starfleet officer, has been assigned a critical mission on the planet Cardassia. Her objective is to retrieve highly confidential information that was stolen by the Cardassian government. The stakes are high, as the information in question could potentially compromise the safety and security of Starfleet and its allies.

To make matters more complicated, General Janeway must also navigate a treacherous alliance with a group of notorious space pirates who harbor deep-seated resentment towards Starfleet. She will need to rely on her diplomatic skills and tactical expertise to win their trust and secure their cooperation.

Moreover, General Janeway is entering uncharted territory in terms of service conditions. Cardassia's harsh climate and rugged terrain pose a significant challenge to her and her team, and they must adapt quickly to survive.

Will General Janeway be able to overcome these obstacles and complete her mission successfully? The fate of Starfleet and its allies rests in her hands.

Start Date 2024, Mon Jan 29th, @ 8:47pm
End Date 2024, Mon Aug 26th, @ 8:47pm

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
New Damage Control For Not So Much Damage
by Lieutenant Commander Jim Karry & Crewman La Forge
Janeway preparing to leave for Cardassia Intrepid Main Engieering
Getting Caught Up
by Fleet Admiral Pat Lovell & Lieutenant Colonel Kane
Janeway in Bio-Containment USS Intrepid - Executive Officer's Office
Janeway con't.
by Outpost Captain Savage Ivanov
current Kalkarindji Outpost
Meeting with a new chance of a lifetime
by Outpost Captain Savage Ivanov & Commodore Emily Janeway
Current Outpost Kalkarindji
by Fleet Admiral Pat Lovell & Commodore Emily Janeway
2 Months After Janeway leaves Unknown
Dinner conversation
by Outpost Captain Savage Ivanov & Kyaron (pronounced Karen) Ivanov (nee Barker) & Commodore Emily Janeway
Current Kalkarindji Deck 299

Mission Summary