Getting Ready (Character Development)

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

The crew use the time between missions for some character development!

Mission Group Season 1
Start Date 2023, Thu Nov 16th, @ 11:44am
End Date 2024, Fri Jan 5th, @ 11:44am

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Title Timeline Location
Can I have a chance to talk with you?
by Commodore Emily Janeway & Lieutenant Rose Andrake
Current Crew members-living quarters
And away get away you shanty girl!
by Fleet Admiral Pat Lovell & Admiral Christopher Townsend & Commander Kate Townsend & Sergeant Major JB Dersch & Gunnery Sergeant Janet Bruke III & Corporal Kate Score & Cadet Freshman Grade Tess & Katie Townsend & Lieutenant Rose Andrake & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé
Days Before USS Halo Departure USS Halo - Deck 4 main lounge
Spend A Little More Time
by Sergeant Major JB Dersch & Lieutenant Lillian Hansen
4 Hours Till Departure Star Base 113
Whats Next
by Sergeant Major JB Dersch & Lieutenant Lillian Hansen
Lt. Hansens Personal Quarters
Reporting In 1st. Lt. Alexeievna
by Admiral Christopher Townsend & 1st Lieutenant Nakita Alexeievna
15 Minutes After Halos Arrival At Earth Star Base 1, Earth
Reporting In-Gunnery Sergeant Bruke III
by Gunnery Sergeant Janet Bruke III & 1st Lieutenant Nakita Alexeievna
Next Day After Halos Arrival Wing Commander Office
Returning to command
by Commodore Emily Janeway & Fleet Admiral Pat Lovell
1 Hour Before Halo's Departure Admiral’s office/Starfleet headquarters
On History and on Health
by Commander Kate Townsend & Lieutenant Rose Andrake
3 days after arrival to Sol USS Halo - Counselor's office
Testing the fighter jets
by Commodore Emily Janeway & Sergeant Major JB Dersch
Current USS.intrepid shuttle day /SB 1 Earth
by Fleet Admiral Pat Lovell & Admiral Christopher Townsend & Commodore David Dunne
2 Days After Halos Arrival Star Base 1- Deck 12-Conference Room 12A
Time To Meet All At Once
by Fleet Admiral Pat Lovell & Admiral Christopher Townsend & Commander Kate Townsend & Corporal Kate Score & Katie Townsend & Commodore David Dunne & Lieutenant Commander Malcolm Reese & Captain Logan Reese & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé & Commander Quinn Pensky-Reese & Lieutenant JG Lyric Reese
3 Days Before Halos Departure Deck 11-Gymnasium
by Fleet Admiral Pat Lovell & Lieutenant Commander Malcolm Reese
3 Days Before Halos Departure Star Fleet HQ, San Francisco-Commander In Cheifs Office
Reporting In
by Captain Logan Reese & Corporal Kate Score
Days Before USS Halo Departure Ready Room-Deck 1
Meeting the Admiral
by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Commander Quinn Pensky-Reese
Wow, The C-IN-C In Pearson
by Fleet Admiral Pat Lovell & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé
Current Outside of Commander Renee Quarters
Get to Know the XO
by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Captain Logan Reese
Current Ready Room
by Fleet Admiral Pat Lovell & Vice Admiral Katie Snow
Before Meeting With Commander Renee Ambassadors Division-Star Base 1
Getting to know the ship
by Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé
Current Personal quarters
Get To Know The Cheif
by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé
Current Deck 1-CO Ready Room

Mission Summary

The crew use the time between missions for some character development!