One Man War And Diplomatic Issures

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A Federation Colony is attacked on the Far Reaches of space, Leaving hundreds Dead and even more wounded. Star Fleet and the Federation want the People Repsonseable Caught before it happens again. Star Fleet Command Dispatches the USS Halo and USS Intrepid, Admiral Chris Townsend and Captain Emiliy Janeway are the Lead Officers in the Hunt for the Ship and its Fugitves. But the Thing is, They are seeking refuge in Cardassain Space, And the Tensions are high between them and the Federation. Now the Halo and Intrepids crew must sneak thier way in, Capture the crew and bring them to justice. Mean While the Federation Leaders and Star Fleet CINC and SUB CINC are trying to figure out what thier Repsonse to get the Colony back up and running, Leave it be and forget about trying to resettle it? Or Assign a Ship to Keep them in touch?

Start Date 2024, Mon Sep 16th, @ 7:43pm

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