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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

The Given Mission of the U.S.S Halo is to deliver the Newly Assigned Federation Ambassador to New Romulus but Star Fleet CINC has given them another...Find and Located the Where Abouts of a Weapon that could start another Federation-Romulan War. Which CANNOT happen. Star Fleet is still recovering from the Borg Take over in 2401 and the Federation is still feeling the affects of it as well. But the Ambassador is found injured in her quarters. Now she is in a Coma and the Attacker is still on aboard, Now with the ship on lock down the ship is heading back to Earth while they wait for her to wake up to Reveal who the attack is. After they find him, He flees and steals a shuttle. And Now he Warps away and now the Halo must chase the Killer across the gaxaly! And Finds out he Flies into the Klingon Neutral Zone! Now the Crew must either Risk war to catch him or Let him go!

Mission Group Season 1
Start Date 2023, Wed Aug 30th, @ 10:51am
End Date 2023, Fri Sep 29th, @ 10:51am

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
Intrepid Commanding Officer Discussion
by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Lieutenant Commander Malcolm Reese
A day after return Starbase 1
Report Lt. Andrake
by Lieutenant Rose Andrake & Admiral Christopher Townsend
2 Days after halos Arrival Star base 1-Admiral Townsends Office
Report Lt. JG Renee
by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé
1 1/2 Hours After Halos Arrival At Earth Star Base 1, Office
Report Captain Reese
by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Captain Logan Reese
1 Hour After Halos Arrival At Earth Star Base 1, Office
Famliy Time
by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Commander Kate Townsend & Katie Townsend
3 Hours After Halos Arrival At SB1 Townsend Family Quarters
Inturder Alert
by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Captain Logan Reese & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé
Enroute To Earth All Decks
Time To Get Answers
by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Lieutenant Commander Malcolm Reese & Captain Logan Reese & Commander Quinn Pensky-Reese & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé
Current Brig
Beam Over
by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Corporal Kate Score & Captain Logan Reese & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé
Current Klingon Warship
Check Up
by Commander Kate Townsend
The Wait out At Klingon Border Med Bay- Deck
The Attack and Disable
by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Corporal Kate Score & Lieutenant Commander Malcolm Reese & Captain Logan Reese & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé
Current Klingon Neutral Zone
The Waitout
by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Lieutenant Commander Malcolm Reese & Captain Logan Reese & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé
Current Klingon Neutral Zone
The Chase
by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Lieutenant Commander Malcolm Reese & Captain Logan Reese & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé
Current Bridge-Deck 1-USS HALO
The Hurt
by Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé
Present Medical Bay
The Hunt
by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Captain Logan Reese & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé
Deck 10- Shuttle Bay 1
Am I wrong?
by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Captain Logan Reese & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé
Current Security Deck 7
Looking at security footage
by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Captain Logan Reese & Commander Quinn Pensky-Reese
Present Day Mission Security Deck 7-Camera footage
The Attack
by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Vice Admiral Katie Snow & Lieutenant Commander Malcolm Reese & Captain Logan Reese & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé & Commander Quinn Pensky-Reese
2 Hours From New Romulus Bridge-Deck 1 To Deck 3
New Info
by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Lieutenant Commander Malcolm Reese
On Route New Romulus Ready Room-Deck 1
Position for Lola Martinez on the Intrepid
by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Captain Logan Reese
Few Minutes before Launch Captain's Quarters to Admiral's Ready Room
The First Flight
by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Vice Admiral Katie Snow & Lieutenant Commander Malcolm Reese & Captain Logan Reese & Commander Quinn Pensky-Reese
Departing To New Romulus USS Halo
by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Lieutenant JG Lyric Reese
1 Hour Before Halos Departure Ready Room-Deck 1

Mission Summary