
Road To Recovery

Post Count: 0

After Baptism By Fire the task force is recovering and licking it's wounds. The Gorn Diplomatic mission was a utter failure and tensions are at all time high. The crew of the Resolute are stranded on the Gorn Homeworld hoping for rescue before their eaten alive or killed for sport. Enterprise is undergoing repairs and Voyager's captain is undergoing a awards ceremony for heroism in the face of overwhelming and impossible odds. Slowly she's living up to the Janeway name.

Part of Season 1

Revenge Of Group Omega

Post Count: 37

After The Confrontation at New Romulus the Halo was sent back to earth to pick up some supplys for Valt and give In Pearson reports from its lastest mission, But On the way back from Earth, The Halo recives a distress call from the USS Independence NCC-41452, Who was requsting aisstance with a Fleet of Pirate ships. Once the Halo arrives, They were not the only ones who had came to the Ambassador class’s rescue, The USS Prometheus NCC-59650, USS Sabre NCC-61940, USS Probert NCC-72285, A Promethues class, Saber class, and a Goddard class, A Odd mix of ships for a resuce party. But After Admiral Townsend figures out why they responded, It became know, The Sabre and Prometheus had been on their way back home when they heard the call, and the Probert had just left The Ship Yards at Star Base 234, Which was in a Section of space, Neither claimed by the Federation, Klingons and Romulans. After Arresting the ships inhabitats, They come to find out that they came from a Planet called Archer, which was a Civilain planet, that was not apart of the federation, and dosen’t allow StarFleet to patrol, hence why starfleet built starbase 105. The Ships quickly head to Archer, very close to Halos home base of 113. After arriving at Archer, its swarming with pirates, Who are not so happy about Starfleet interupting thier pirate operations. Soon a Space battle occurs and They are quickly outnumbered, But luckly the USS Challenger NCC-40117-A a Obena class star ship, and the USS Discovery NCC-78393-B, another Promethues class starship arrive to aisst. Soon Starfleet is able to defeat the Pirates and maintain a Starfleet presense. After secureing the Ortibal Offices, Townsend quickly gets Starfleet teams on the ground. After securing the Buildings from the local smugglers and also maintaining a presense down there more ships arrive to help, The USS Jake NCC-29273-D, a Excelsior Class patrol Refit, USS Cenatur NCC-42043, Cenatur class, USS Endeavour NCC-97003, Another Odyssey Class just like the Halo, and the USS New York NCC-80106, a Luna class star ship. Now with 11 star fleet ships at Archer, They are ready for the pirates if they come back. But theres something sisister down on the surface, And its ready to ignite a war with Star Fleet, A Group long thought to be gone, But now are back and ready to take revenge. Now the Halo crew finds them selfs once again at the helm of protecting the Federation from a war, Will the Halo crew stop the enemy before its too late?

Part of Season 1

One Man War And Diplomatic Issures

Post Count: 0

A Federation Colony is attacked on the Far Reaches of space, Leaving hundreds Dead and even more wounded. Star Fleet and the Federation want the People Repsonseable Caught before it happens again. Star Fleet Command Dispatches the USS Halo and USS Intrepid, Admiral Chris Townsend and Captain Emiliy Janeway are the Lead Officers in the Hunt for the Ship and its Fugitves. But the Thing is, They are seeking refuge in Cardassain Space, And the Tensions are high between them and the Federation. Now the Halo and Intrepids crew must sneak thier way in, Capture the crew and bring them to justice. Mean While the Federation Leaders and Star Fleet CINC and SUB CINC are trying to figure out what thier Repsonse to get the Colony back up and running, Leave it be and forget about trying to resettle it? Or Assign a Ship to Keep them in touch?

The Marine Way Of Life

Post Count: 0

After A Event On Bajor, Making them want to Leave, the USS Intriped is Diptached with its Top of the Line Diplomatic Corps with one mission, Prevent the world of Bajor from Levaing the United Federation Of Planets. Mean while Star Fleet Command gets alarming news of a Secert weapon being built by the gorn. They Send Captain Emiliy Janeway with her Marines to Infltrate the Gorn Fauclity and Find out what the weapon is Destory it if possible leaving to trace leading back to Star Fleet or even the Federation. While on the away mission a Alternite Version Mind of One of the Marines takes over and it threatens to compromise the mission. Should the Captain rid the marine of the away mission mid way done, Or Use the medical gear they have that could risk the marine dying trying to get the Other Mind out? Even when His/her fellow marines are rurging to do the Deadly once since marines signed up for those kind of dangers?


Post Count: 0

Kate Townsend, Admiral Chris Townsends wife, is accused of murdering her best friend, But the thing is, She wasn’t there, BUT FOUR key witness place her there before and after the murder. And her DNA is found on the murder weapon. Now Townsend and his crew must investigate and fine the Real Culprit and find the real who is framing his wife, Before its too late.

Part of Season 1

The Death Of a Great One

Post Count: 0

Admiral Kathryn Janeway is dead. Now the entire starfleet command and Federation are mourning her lost. The Halo and Intrepid have been called back to earth for the funeral. Meanwhile Captain Emily Janeway struggles to cope with the news, But then she receives a message, Admiral Janeway was murdered! Now Janeway takes LOA and Begins the hunt to find her Mother's Killer. But soon she is joined by the Her own crew and the Halos Crews all while Star Fleet Command is Putting her funeral together!

Episode 1: Enough Terran For A Millenia

Post Count: 0

The USS Halo is on patrol when a artificial wormhole opens up a path leading to the alternate universe, As the Halo waits to hear back from command, The ISS Intrepid, The USS Intrepid's Alternate self, Appears on the other side, and it is asking for help, the ISS Halo, the Halos other part, has been captured, and There's only one crew who can rescue them, and it's their Alternate self, With the help of an unexpected ally, the Halo races across the Alternate Universe To Try to Rescue their Counterparts, Along the way, Anything Could Happen, When it's in the mirror universe. Meanwhile back in Federation space, star fleet leads a Search And Rescue Mission in hopes of Finding the USS Halo, Leading the fleet is the USS Kojo, but they soon find a Transponder beacon from the USS Halo saying to have the fleet wait here, So the Fleet waits it out waiting for the return of the USS Halo.


Episode 2: Tho Shall Not Pass

Post Count: 0

The Terran Empire has opened a void into Federation Space wanting to expand their Empire into another universe. Once Star Fleet Command Hears, They send several Fleets,Inculding Task Forces Guardian, Bravo, and Delta to stop the Terran Invading Force, At the Command is Admiral Chris Townsend with one order, Prevent the Terran Fleet from entering Federation space, and close the void AT ALL COST!


Episode 3:Another Day In the Alternate Universe

Post Count: 0

After the Successful closure of the Terran Empires void into Federation space,They want revenge, They kidnap key Members of the Federation High Council while they were visiting a Federation Colony, Star Fleet Dispatches, Task Force Bravo to Enter the Terran Universe and get the High Council Members back at all cost, But Along the way, they get unexpected allies once more, The Klingons come to help, The Klingons from the Alternate Universe are going to Rescue their Our People, And Lucky enough it's at the same location the High Council Members are as well. Will the Klingon fleet and the Task Force Bravo Fleet be able to rescue their people? Or will they be led into a Trap?


Episode 4:Terran Empire V.S United Federation Of Planets

Post Count: 0

A Terran Empire Officer is captured in Federation Space trying to sabotage a Star Fleet outpost, Now the Officer is facing Criminal Charges, But during the transporting to Earth, He escapes and enters back into the Terran Universe, Now the USS Halo and USS Intrepid included once more is sent back into the Mirror Universe to find him and bring him back into Federation Custody. But they end up chasing him to the Gorn Homeworld in the Alternite Universe. Will they Make it out alive?


Episode 5:Who Do We Piss Off Now, The Romulans Or Klingons? How About Both!

Post Count: 0

After a Failed Attempet to take Federation space, the Empire now sets its looks into the Klingon and Romulan space, Soon with the element of Surprise, they take several worlds and Sectors from both of the Empires, Both former Enemys of the Federation reach out for help from the Federation. For Help, All 3 Task Forces team up once again for another battle, this time in a unimaginable Allies, With The USS Halo still heavliy damaged from the last Mission into the Terran Universe, Admiral Townsend has no but to take operational Control over the USS New Orleans to lead the Star Fleet Defense Fleet being sent to Aissit. Will They take the Worlds Back? Or will the Terran Empire win and Add Yet Another Romulan or Klingon Race to thier Empire?


Episode 6:Final Battle

Post Count: 0

The Terran Empire once more is trying to push its terrtorial Control into Federation Space/Universe, Star Fleet Sends Every advalible ship to stop them, Inculded is Task Force Gaurdian,Delta, and Bravo, With the USS Halo the Flag Ship of the Fleet, The Fleet consisted of 132 Vessels, With 180 Klingon Vessels, and 100 Romulan Vessel sent to Aisst them to return the favor. Will the Federation Fleet be able to put a stop to the Terran Empire? Or Will the Terran Empire add another Universe to its Grasps?

The Terran Empire once more is trying to push its terrtorial Control into Federation Space/Universe, Star Fleet Sends Every advalible ship to stop them, Inculded is Task Force Gaurdian,Delta, and Bravo, With the USS Halo the Flag Ship of the Fleet, The Fleet consisted of 132 Vessels, With 180 Klingon Vessels, and 100 Romulan Vessel sent to Aisst them to return the favor. Will the Federation Fleet be able to put a stop to the Terran Empire? Or Will the Terran Empire add another Universe to its Grasps?


A lost Civilization

Post Count: 0

Baptism By Fire

Post Count: 23

Diplomatic Mission To Gorn Homeworld

Part of Season 2

New Era

Post Count: 52

The Given Mission of the U.S.S Halo is to deliver the Newly Assigned Federation Ambassador to New Romulus but Star Fleet CINC has given them another...Find and Located the Where Abouts of a Weapon that could start another Federation-Romulan War. Which CANNOT happen. Star Fleet is still recovering from the Borg Take over in 2401 and the Federation is still feeling the affects of it as well. But the Ambassador is found injured in her quarters. Now she is in a Coma and the Attacker is still on aboard, Now with the ship on lock down the ship is heading back to Earth while they wait for her to wake up to Reveal who the attack is. After they find him, He flees and steals a shuttle. And Now he Warps away and now the Halo must chase the Killer across the gaxaly! And Finds out he Flies into the Klingon Neutral Zone! Now the Crew must either Risk war to catch him or Let him go!

Part of Season 1

Getting Ready (Character Development)

Post Count: 39

The crew use the time between missions for some character development!

Part of Season 1

Getting Ready (Character Development)OUTPOST

Post Count: 56

The crew use the time between missions for some character development!

Getting Ready (Character Development)(Star Base 113)

Post Count: 7

The crew use the time between missions for some character development!

Dark Past’s Are Hidden For A Reason(Halo/Ross/Romulan)

Post Count: 75

Its Been one Month since the USS Halo mission to deliver Ambassador Snow went sideways, Now a Problem has arisen within the Romulan Empire, A Federation Ambassador’s Aide was killed, Star Fleet Dispatches the Halo to Investigate. While Investigating the Murder, They uncover something that should have remained a secret. Should they keep the Empire's Dark secrets a Secret? Or Tell the Whole Galaxy what they have been doing?

Part of Season 1

Frontiers Day

Post Count: 7

Storys of Where you were during Frontiers Day

Part of Frontiers Day

Welcome To Hell(Outpost/Janeway)

Post Count: 11

General Janeway, a seasoned Starfleet officer, has been assigned a critical mission on the planet Cardassia. Her objective is to retrieve highly confidential information that was stolen by the Cardassian government. The stakes are high, as the information in question could potentially compromise the safety and security of Starfleet and its allies.

To make matters more complicated, General Janeway must also navigate a treacherous alliance with a group of notorious space pirates who harbor deep-seated resentment towards Starfleet. She will need to rely on her diplomatic skills and tactical expertise to win their trust and secure their cooperation.

Moreover, General Janeway is entering uncharted territory in terms of service conditions. Cardassia's harsh climate and rugged terrain pose a significant challenge to her and her team, and they must adapt quickly to survive.

Will General Janeway be able to overcome these obstacles and complete her mission successfully? The fate of Starfleet and its allies rests in her hands.

The Attack Of the Cadavera(Starbase 113/Outpost/Townsend)

Post Count: 46

Kalkarindji, a renowned contractor known for their expertise in disposing of hazardous materials, was awarded a lucrative contract by Star Fleet to destroy several thousand body parts and corpses. However, due to an unforeseen error, the remains are now hurtling towards SB113, and the crew is faced with a daunting task. What measures will they take to avert the potential disaster and ensure the safety of everyone involved?