View Award - Officer Of The Month

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Officer Of The Month

Given to those who have Went above and Beyond When Posting and Have Helped Others Post Better, and Encouraged them to Post

Category: In character
Awarded: 5 times

Commander Dorna Villersh
2024, Thu Aug 8th, @ 3:21am
For July 2024
Commodore Emily Janeway
2024, Thu Aug 8th, @ 3:21am
For June 2024
Captain Maddison Black
2024, Wed Feb 7th, @ 2:33pm
Captain Black has made significant contributions to our fleet, which includes launching an effective advertising campaign and enhancing our fleet's specifications and decks. Their efforts have led to a surge of new players, and our fleet has become one of the top contenders in our field.
Lieutenant Rose Andrake
2023, Wed Dec 20th, @ 10:06am
Showed The Items needed to Be a Good Poster, and has the ability to add to the story plot line
Commander John Fitzgerald
2023, Wed Dec 20th, @ 10:05am
This is for December-Came into the Sim, and Did what was asked, and Even pushed my Boundaries Of Posting