Kyaron (pronounced Karen) Ivanov (nee Barker)

Name Kyaron (pronounced Karen) Edith Ivanov (nee Barker)

Position Wife

Second Position Retired Cast


  • 6 Mission Posts

Last Post

2024, Mon Apr 22nd, @ 3:18am

Character Information

Gender Female
Place Of Origin Pfq - 8873229V
Species Human
Date Of Birth(DOB) 24th December 2375
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 5 foot 7
Weight 62 kilos
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Kyaron is a curvy woman. A description she hates. She says the word was created by a man. She isn’t taut trim and terrific, she has small rolls that wobble and she wishes she was thinner, but that isn’t going to happen, so she tries not to complain. She has tattoos on parts of her body, that are there to indicate she belongs to Savage Nikolai Ivanov, they aren’t there because she chose them. She wears the standard Ivanov jewellery, collar around her neck, metal bands around her upper arms, between her elbows and shoulders, bracelet cuffs on her wrists, and anklets on her ankles. These seven pieces of jewellery were created by Savage, and are an ancient form of showing she is committed or owned by an Ivanov, and are known by those who operate in the black realm and they are never removed. Kyaron has smoky red hair, which hangs to her hips and has green eyes.


Spouse Savage Nikolai Ivanov
Children None
Father Mark Barker
Mother Kimberley Barker
Brother(s) Adam, Brett, Cliff, Darren, Evan, Francis, Garry, Harry, Ivan, Joseph, Kent, Les, Mark Jnr, Nate, Oscar, Patrick, Quintan, Ross, Scott, Trey and Zane. There are three sets of triplets, one set of quads, two sets of twins in her male siblings.
Sister(s) Kyaron has no sisters. She is the only female child in her family. The first female born in five generations.
Other Family Cousins. Nieces. Nephews. Half brothers from her father’s first marriage.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kyaron grew up going to the same school as most of the Ivanov siblings. Her marriage was arranged by Savage’s Grandfather and his father, when she was born. She was told from before she could talk that she would marry Savage Nikolai Ivanov. She was educated in, what was expected of her, and grew accustomed to having Ivanov employed males guarding her. She grew up aware she was Savage’s property, and became truly his at age ten. She is submissive to Savage, but that doesn’t mean she is that way all the time. She is quite capable of defending herself both in words and actions, and will depending on her mood challenge Savage. A quiet individual, who always thinks through her actions before acting. She is aware of the rules, and would never give information to others about the Ivanov’s or her husband. Kyaron doesn’t have any issues with Savage’s territorial nature and possessiveness, however she’d rather wear a collar, then a ring. Her marriage to Savage was expected, not by choice.
Strengths & Weaknesses Kyaron has a computer like mind, able to work things through and come up with suggestions and answers, but knows her place and will think things through before acting out. She is aware that those outside the Ivanov holdings do not understand how things work. She knows more than she lets people know. However she is aware of the consequences should she pass information.
Ambitions To stay a non mother, but is realistic enough to know that that won’t happen.
Hobbies & Interests Reading, amusement rides, candy, chocolate, animals, music, quiet, being left alone.

Personal History Kyaron is the only female born to a Barker male in five generations. When she was born, her marriage to Savage Nikolai Ivanov was arranged by Savage’s elders. She was educated in what was appropriate and what wasn’t. She became truly his at age ten. Prior to ten, she was constantly guarded, to insure she remained untouched. Her parents were well paid for their consent and cooperation.

She moved to the Ivanov compound after Savage cemented his claim, and began learning things that weren’t taught at school. She was given a choice of duties, besides being an Ivanov bride, and chose quarter mastering and logistics. Ivanov brides are allowed some freedom, outside being submissive to their husbands, but they are expected to make themselves useful in some manner. Besides giving their husbands more than four sons. Their safety and lifestyle requires them to supply the next generation of Ivanov’s.

Kyaron does not like children and detests babies and Savage is well aware of that fact, but time is running out.

Ivanov brides are married for life and the only escape is death. They are warned against running. Their cage is a velvet lined one. An Ivanov bride is kept away from the rough elements of the Ivanov business, and is excluded from business talk and the darker side of Ivanov life. There are rules and there are rules, failure to follow those rules, can lead to harsh punishments and long term consequences. It can be a harsh life some women chosen, do not survive. It is a life chosen for them, and their parents are well paid. Once a child is taken by an Ivanov male, there is no going back, once they are married, and it occurs days after they are claimed. The female child is removed from their families care and control and begin to learn what it really means to be an Ivanov bride. Ivanov brides are taken between the age of eight and eleven. Dependent on the will of their husbands, they may never interact with their families again.

The Ivanov name is synonymous with the world of the Bratva. They are one of only a handful of families whose names bring about fear and horror. They are known to be willing to do anything to keep control, and fear nothing. They take what they want and are willing to do anything and everything to keep what they have. Working both the black and the white, their souls are beyond the devil’s taking. And no amount of praying will set you free. They are the worst of the worst. The best of the best and the only rules they play by are their own. Yet, people from all walks of life are willing to reach for the limits of space in an attempt to have their names linked.
Service Record Not applicable. Individual has never been in Starfleet.