Commander Ra'Danaleii

Name Ra'Danaleii

Position Retired Cast

Second Position Retired Cast

Rank Commander

Last Post

2023, Thu Nov 2nd, @ 11:56pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Efrosian
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11
Weight 159lbs
Hair Color White
Eye Color dark brown
Physical Description Typical for his species, Ra'dan carries himself with a regal demeanor and has long white hair and a well manicured beard. His cranial ridges are much less pronounced but he is still sometimes confused with a klingon. He has an athletic build and is ambidextrous.


Spouse Luna Alvarez (dating) Human Officer on another starfleet ship
Children N/A
Father Tol'Renix, Professor at Starfleet Academy
Mother Fa'yutena, Xeno anthropologist
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family will probably expand on as I get to know the character

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ra'dan is someone who carries himself with a self assured air and is known to run the crew that work under him with integrity and respect. While at times he can seem blunt and distant due to valuing efficiency, he is a supportive leader that does so by example and is well liked by his peers.
Strengths & Weaknesses Ra'dan is a meticulous officer who values efficiency and finding ways to implement new policies and programs in his coordination duties. This often comes at the expense of hos physical health and sometimes his interpersonal relationships with fellow command crew, leading some to infer that he is single minded or stubborn due to large periods of fixative problem solving.
Ambitions Ra'dan was inspired from a young age by his father to enroll in Starfleet and has an explorers heart. He hopes to one day gain Captain his own ship but is not afraid to put in the work. His current relationship with his partner is starting to get serious, though the two of them serving on different ships in Starfleet have made the relationship challenging to maintain.
Hobbies & Interests Ra'dan enjoys working with his hands and often finds tactile hobbies such as sculpting and puzzle solving good ways to pass the time. He has recently started to pick up the wooden flute as a hobby instrument, and several reports from fellow crew on his deck have not deterred his resolve in mastering the instrument.

Personal History Ra'dan was always inspired by his fathers tales of exploring the galaxy on the USS Babylon and longed to see the stars. While being the son of a Starfleet educator kept him close to home, it wouldn't stop a young Ra'dan from talking to anyone in a Starfleet uniform that he could find, eager to learn as much as he could to gain an edge for his eventual Starfleet Enrollment.

Being a legacy at Academy did him no favors, as many of his Professors and even fellow students where sure to try and not indicate nepotism due to his fathers senior position. While Academy was hard, Ra'dan put his single minded pursuits to work and became fast friends with many of his peers.

Graduating 4th in his class, Ra'dan was originally assigned to serve as Security/Tactical due to his high scoring physical grades and was transferred to the USS Agama.
Service Record Aboard the Agama a younger Ra'dan seved as a security crewman, working under a decorated Bolian named Driq Afra who was Chief Security/Tactical Officer. The Agama was a ship that had it's fair share of adventures and was known for being a ship of action. Many among the crew would replicate shirts for downtime that would say "Agama Strong" or "First in the Fray". Ra'dan made a name for himself after encountering a Ferengi smuggling operation that led to his capture.

While under duress, Ra'dan was able to subdue his captors and contact the Agama, leading to a successful series of arrests with no casualties from enemy combatants.

Because of this feat, Ra'dan was awarded the Starfleet Decoration of Valor.

He continued to serve under the Agama until he was second only to Commander Afra in the Security chain of Command. It was actually Afra that recommended the position on the Halo and wrote a stellar letter of recommendation to Starfleet for Ra'dan to receive the post.