Sergeant Artemis Conway

Name Artemis Elizabeth Conway

Position Retired Cast

Rank Sergeant


  • 3 Mission Posts

Last Post

2024, Wed Jan 17th, @ 11:40am

Character Information

Gender Female
MVA Assignment Vector 3
Species Human
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 6'3"
Weight 275 lb
Hair Color white
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Miss Conway poses an intimidating figure, with melanin deficient albinism rendering her hair a natural platinum blonde and giving her a pair of bright blue eyes on top of extremely pale skin. She has no known tattoos, and only a small number of scars, though what scars she does have tend to be severe.

Standing well over six feet in height, her musculature fills her out well to her weight, having been up until recently, a professional bodybuilder and crossfit athlete, alongside a collegiate prize fighter. She has soft facial features and a gentle disposition, lending her to be approachable despite her size.

There is a large burn scar on her abdomen from phaser fire. This has healed with minimal swelling and remains as a vaguely pink splotch with a large pucker at the upper left most portion of her core.

Generally speaking, her clothes range across practicality and comfort, usually wearing pajamas under canvas cargo pants and fitted tee shirts, and she often wears red tinted contact lenses that help with issues of photosensitivity stemming from her body's inability to produce the pigments that would normally protect her eyes. When she isn't wearing these, she'll often wear standard square rimmed glasses that also help correct her vision.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Benjamin Conway
Mother Cassandra Conway
Brother(s) James Conway

Personality & Traits

General Overview Spark Conway, at first glance, appears overly friendly, awkward, and somehow reserved. She is excellent at mirroring the emotional state of others or at camouflaging her emotional state to a form others may find palatable, disarming, or even trustworthy. When she decides to open up and make her thoughts heard, she is a highly intelligent and thoughtful individual who has difficulty seeing others in a negative light, or in reading motives. She tends to take things at face value, and doesn’t tend to think very far beyond the immediate moment.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
* Caring
Spark puts others first always, often neglecting her own needs or injuries to ensure the safety and security of others.
* Brave
While Spark is distinctly scared of many things, the way she handles fear though a rapid application of a solution leads to a perception of bravery by others.
* Action oriented
She has a hard time planning ahead or setting long term plays in motion, which makes her extremely adept at rapidly coming up with solutions and putting them into action.

* Has trouble recognizing social cues
Spark's action oriented personality and difficulty in reading the cues of others unless they are blatantly obvious leads her to appear very literal in her thinking and word choice. It also makes it difficult for her to communicate clearly in social settings.
* Stubborn
Spark's mindset and physical traits lend her well to a "push through till something breaks" methodology, including in her decision making, and she has trouble recognizing when to stop or change tactics.
* Trusting
Spark takes intents and words at face value, making it difficult for her to read deeper into the meanings of what others do or say.
Ambitions Spark Conway is an intelligent and quick witted individual, who has very few goals and ambitions. Though it is notable that she wishes one day to become an instructor at the Federation Marine Corps training center.

Within the next five years she intends on earning a commission and becoming a ship's tactical officer before returning to the Corps and leading combat teams.
Hobbies & Interests Spark is an accomplished MMA fighter, with titles held on several worlds including Terra, Andor, and even Vulcan. She is also known to study the martial arts of any species she works closely with, and has learned and adapted into her fighting style tactics and movements from Klingon, Andorian, Vulcan, Denovulan, human, and even Romulan martial arts.

Personal History Artemis Elizabeth Conway was born to Benjamin and Cassandra Conway in Newark, New Jersey, and grew up with her mutations causing not insignificant distress and medical issues. Her father left the family when she was young, however, leading to her mother raising the children on her own whilst holding a strong career as a firefighter.

She regrets that she never really knew her father, and did her best to keep her brother out of trouble. However, it seemed to her that James was stuck on the darker path, protecting her in turn, but also turning to violence and gangs until his friend Joey Morales was killed in a drive-by shooting.

While James was figuring out that the gangs weren’t his thing, Spark was in AP classes in chemistry and sciences. When he joined the Marine Corps, Spark figured she needed to prove herself. So not long after her brother signed up, Spark went to the recruiter. However, between her autism, her genetic issues, and a few other factors, she was determined to be not eligible for service.

Spark may have taken that personally. She trained hard, working harder and becoming the strongest and fastest she could possibly be. Taking various martial arts classes, getting herself into strength training, crossfit, and bodybuilding, Spark eventually earned herself an athletic scholarship to New Jersey State University, where she earned a six year master’s degree in nutrition sciences with a minor focus and eventual bachelor’s degree in biochemistry, all while becoming a highly accomplished collegiate athlete in power lifting, classical bodybuilding, and mixed martial arts.

When Artemis did not receive word in response to her inviting James to her college graduation, her mother finally opened up that James had been killed in action some time earlier. The impact of this news sent Spark into a short lived spiral as she returned to her studies. These same studies led her to donate her remaining funding and most of her professional pay to various charities dealing specifically with wounded veterans and families of combat deaths. The lack of income allowed her to begin an experiment on living on extremely little in modern Terran society, which was supposed to be her doctorate thesis when she returned to school. While she initially didn’t plan on applying for grants in this experiment, her mother’s worsening health from stress cardiomyopathy and microstrokes led Spark to apply for several research grants, funneling the money into basic supplies and her mother’s care.

Upon the death of her mother eight years ago, Spark decided to try again for the Marine Corps, and due to medical interventions over the course of her collegiate career and in light of her accomplishments, she was selected for training.
Service Record Spark has been bouncing between sergeant and corporal for several years and through several assignments, with multiple counts of meritorious misconduct.