1st Lieutenant Nakita Alexeievna

Name Nakita Marie Alexeievna

Position Retired Cast

Rank 1st Lieutenant


  • 3 Mission Posts

Last Post

2024, Wed Feb 7th, @ 11:41am

Character Information

Gender Female
MVA Assignment Vector 2
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5 foot 8 inches
Weight 153 pounds
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown


Spouse None
Children None
Father Johnathon Alexeievna
Mother Maria Alexeievna
Brother(s) Johnathon Jr (15 years older); Nathan (13 years older); Eric (11 years older); Alexander (8 years older); Micheal (6 years older)
Sister(s) Emily (14 years older); Bridgette (13 years older); Helen (10 years older); Melissa (4 years older); Akita (twin)
Other Family To many nieces and nephews to count.

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses ( +) Crack and Natural Pilot
( +) Likes making modifications on her Starfighter
(+/-) Stubborn
( -) Get single minded with Opponents
( -) Kind of forgets to get permission from Deckhands and Engineering when working on her Fighter
Ambitions To head up teaching the next generation Starfighter pilots and to have several children
Hobbies & Interests Working on her Starfighter, Reading Romance Novels, Gardening

Service Record Starfleet Academy
USS Farragut
USS Tempest
USS Halo