Crewman Larry Lamontagne

Name Larry Wilson Lamontagne

Position Damage Control Specialist

Rank Crewman

Last Post

Character Information

Gender Male
Place Of Origin Earth
Species Human
Date Of Birth(DOB) 2377
Age 25
Nick Name Bird

Physical Appearance

Height 1.92
Weight 122
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description tall, not skinny with a swimmer's physique


Spouse not married
Children n/a
Father Edward Robert Lamontagne
Mother Patricia Teresa Lamotagne
Brother(s) Joe, Kenneth(younger), Donnald, Danniel, Robert III, Garry and Robbie(Robert IV)
Sister(s) Debie, Sheryll, Kelly
Other Family Uncle Ben and Aunt Clarice

Personality & Traits

General Overview He is friendly, and Sometimes a bit of a prankster. He is always setting himself to be the fall guy as often as not. Always cracking a joke. He Loves to try to get soda to come out of his victim's nostrils.
Strengths & Weaknesses Average trouble shooter skill set, but once he has mastered something, it is locked in. A absolute wizard at finding rare or obsolete spare, and or replacement parts. Does not particularly care about his uniform appearance. His comment is Engineers get greasy, deal with it.
Ambitions Build his own highly modified Delta flyer and enter in the Jupiter 500.
Hobbies & Interests Old tri-dee holo films, Expert at various kinds of cheese, popcorn, and steaks. He is an amateur chief with the above three items... The bad news, is that he will burn anything else. Favorite night is movie night on the messdecks!

Personal History Grew up on a farm in Venezuela, South America, old Earth district. Loves riding horses, mountain climbing, spelunking, and exploring. Joined the Starfleet Academy at age 18, spend the next 6 years on various engineering platforms, before getting stationed on the USS Voyager.
Service Record 2394 Joined Starfleet, Requested Academy Posting.
2398 Graduated from Starfleet Academy Meritorious promotion to Damage Control Technician Third Class
2400 Promoted to Damage Control Technician Second Class.
2401 assigned Damage Control Technician on USS Voyager NCC-74656-A