Lieutenant Evelyn Sommers

Name Evelyn Rebecca Sommers

Position Assistant Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant


  • 2 Mission Posts

Last Post

2024, Fri Aug 30th, @ 5:59pm

Character Information

Gender Female
Place Of Origin Earth
Species Human
Date Of Birth(DOB) 02/23/2378
Age 24
Nick Name Ev

Physical Appearance

Height 5′ 9″
Weight 120 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description A vegetarian since she was a teenager, Ev is slightly underweight for her height. She does exercise regularly, preferring both weights and cardio fitness regimens. Pale and possibly a little frail, Ev has a very lithe figure, graceful and demure, with big brown eyes. Her brown hair is kept short.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father David Lee Sommers (deceased)
Mother Rebecca Marie Sundström-Sommers
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family Uncle: Lt. Commander Stephen John Sundström (deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Professional but shy, Evelyn excels in her astrophysics work, where she is most content. Once she warms up to someone, Ev can be friendly, though social gatherings are still somewhat awkward. She is a good listener and prefers to aid others instead of maintaining focus on herself. Though shy, she is almost always calm and composed and can be a great friend. However, Ev will under no circumstances lend out her books.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Studious, dedicated, curious, diligent, kind.
Weaknesses: Shy, bookish, introverted, daydreamer
Ambitions Ev is awkward in social situations and wishes to cultivate more personal relationships. As a Starfleet officer, Sommers wishes to run a science lab on an exploration vessel one day.
Hobbies & Interests Content to work or find solitude in her off-duty hours, Ev enjoys reading, painting, and writing an occasional poem.

Personal History Evelyn Rebecca Sommers, born on February 23rd, 2378, came into the world a few weeks premature. Her parents worried, but she was in good care. As people called her, Ev had a normal childhood for the first seven years of her life. Then, her father, David Lee Sommers, grew distant and depressed. Years before, he had failed to make it to Starfleet Academy as a pilot. When Evelyn was up in age, he tried again and failed again. Mr. Sommers fell into despair and settled as a dock worker in Rockport, Massachusetts. Though he never expressed physical aggression toward his wife and daughter, Sommers’ despair was additive. As he had failed, so would his daughter. As the most important man in her life told her that she would never amount to anything, Ev retreated into herself. Two years later, David Lee Sommers took his own life.

Rebecca, distraught herself but undaunted toward her daughter, gifted Ev a book, Charlotte’s Web, a third addiction. The girl took to the old pages like a fish to water. But even as her book collection grew, she became more detached. The one good side effect was that the hobby eventually brought mother and daughter closer together.

The school was difficult. As Sommers occasionally drifted off into her world, instructors were forced to “wake her up” from a daydream. Students teased her and called her names like Zombie, Flake, Airhead, and much worse.

It wasn’t until she met another young girl, Sue Dickinson, that Ev blossomed. The two became best friends and were, for a time, inseparable. They were best friends who shared a love of literature and adventure. The adventure cost them as Sue drowned in the waters just a few feet from Ev’s home. Fourteen years old at the time, Evelyn blamed herself and shut down for many weeks. She would read, paint, or write poetry in her room, but she rarely said a word voluntarily. Her schoolwork declined.

On a whim, Rebecca had her brother take Evelyn on a solar system tour. Lt. Commander Stephen John Sundström had to bend a few rules, but he could fulfill his sister’s wish. Ev, who had never been into space, was mesmerized by (as she called it) the majesty of the void.

“It was so big and empty, I thought it could swallow me up, and I’d finally be alone. Truly alone.” – Evelyn Sommers

For that reason and a few others, Evelyn decided to join Starfleet even though she knew her journey would be difficult.
Service Record Starfleet Academy

Freshman Year

She threw up the morning Ev was due to attend her first class. She was terrified due to her shyness. With all the courage she could muster, Ev finally sat in on her first class. The sheer number of students in the room made her dizzy. Eventually, she left early.

The work itself, a focus on astrophysics, was no great challenge. Partnering with other students during any given assignment was a great challenge. Instead of the calm, thoughtful student, most saw in class, the unfortunate partner would receive a stuttering, bumbling mess. Ev eventually made progress, but only after she had alienated half the classes she had taken. Later that year, Evelyn was placed on academic probation until she could overcome her insecurity.

Sophomore Year

Still on academic probation, Evelyn sought out the aid of a counselor. The work did help to bring Sommers out of her shell. Instead of a genuine openness, Ev developed a face to present. As she admired the dedication and calm of her Vulcan instructor, Sommers used such a facade to engage with others. While not the breakthrough her counselor wanted, it did help the woman navigate personable matters.

Junior Year

Determined to branch out, Evelyn joined the Starfleet Academy Marathon. There, she befriended another Junior named Theodora Nance. Unlike Ev, Theo was a free spirit, a bit wild, and instilled with confidence. Oddly enough, the two became best friends. They both studied and trained together and eventually moved off campus together.

Evelyn’s Junior year was her best. She excelled at all her courses and became genuinely personable with other students. Unfortunately, tragedy struck late in the year. First, Ev’s uncle, Lt. Commander Stephen John Sundström, was killed in a training exercise. Second, Theo, Ev’s roommate, friend, and lover, left without a word. Devastated, Evelyn nearly dropped out, but after a visit with her mom, Ev rededicated her efforts. Ev did compete in the Starfleet Academy marathon, where she came in 12th.

Senior Year

Cadet Evelyn Sommers felt relief and trepidation With a new year. Without a social life, she focused entirely on her course load. Stellar cartography, thought to be boring by most, became a passion for Evelyn. She loved cataloging stars, quarks, comets, and gaseous anomalies. On the USS Exeter, she was graded highest on SC performance. In General and Bridge Officer training, Ev scored high.

At her graduation, Evelyn blushed feverishly when her name was called. As she walked across the stage, she saw thousands staring at her. Old insecurities surfaced until she quickly boxed them away.