Captain Amelia Faye

Name Amelia Tiberius Faye 's

Position Executive Officer

Second Position Task Force Guardian Recruiting Officer

Rank Captain


  • 2 Personal Logs

Last Post

2024, Thu Aug 29th, @ 8:50am

Character Information

Gender Female
Place Of Origin Deep Space 9
MVA Assignment Vector 1
Species Caitian
Date Of Birth(DOB) 2376
Age 26
Nick Name None

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0
Weight 127
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Yellow
Physical Description Slender, Hourglass body type. On duty she's wearing a classic styled mini skirted uniform. Her eyes are yellow, and she doesn't wear boots like some other Caitian's in Starfleet.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Alexander Faye
Mother Martha Faye
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Amelia is a very Charismatic woman who has a way with words. She's a natural singer with a very beautiful almost siren like voice, and is loyal to her friends. She wants to please those above her, having fought tooth and nail to get to where she is today.
Strengths & Weaknesses She's not a great hand to hand combatant, but she's skilled with a phaser. But disarm her and she's rather easily physically dominated. She's got a good tongue for diplomacy so she can often talk her way out of things than resort to combat.
Ambitions To become a First Officer or something as close as she can ever be. She wants to make Starfleet proud, but doesn't believe she'll ever be a legend, nor is that her ambition.
Hobbies & Interests Singing, Stargazing, Book Reading, Loves Lizards, Favorite Drink: Hot Chocolate, Favorite Food: Steak, Earth Westerns

Personal History During her childhood Amelia grew up as part of the Federation. Her parents were part of their navy but they met tragedy and left her an orphan at a young age. For they went down in a battle against a rogue bird of prey in a constitution class, losing multiple lives and families on board. Her family name wasn't one to be proud of. But in the face of adversity she managed to work her way into the position of a bridge officer, in charge of comms and the occasional away team mission. Being her role also fell into being a red shirt. Her uniform being more of a classical mini skirted design for increased comfort with her anthropomorphic feet and tail. Part of what managed to get her to rise from the shame of her family's tragic failure and losses was selfless acts as a lower deck ensign. Atop of her natural Charismatic nature that may even rival certain diplomats. She's well spoken, a beautiful, soothing voice with a natural singing ability.

As of the current Star date she had found herself getting stuck in a transfer process. It's kept her away from most notable events and stuck on one of the Federation's star bases. She had been on the Yorktown which was essentially a giant snow globe in space, a rather unimportant base in the grand scheme of things.

It is her dream to eventually earn a role as a first officer. To prove to Starfleet she can rise further above the history of her family. Though if she were to never reach this dream, she will have been happy to simply serve. Or if regrettably she be forced to lay her life down for the rest of the crew. She also bears a likeness to another bridge officer, one that served with Kirk in his younger five year voyages. Though Amelia has not been lucky enough to serve on the U.S S Enterprise. Though she views Picard and the like as an inspiration to her journey in Starfleet.
Service Record She was the top of her class at the academy. And has a flawless record prior to her transfer to Halo. She has had the occasional error and failure as no one is perfect but she's always done right by the Federation. Showing a strong mental attitude, and traits of teamwork, cooperation and diplomacy in communications. She seeks to help those around her in dire and dangerous situations she as she had done in prior encounters.