Crewman La Forge

Name La Forge

Position Damage Control Specialist

Rank Crewman


  • 1 Mission Posts

Last Post

2024, Thu Aug 15th, @ 6:55pm

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Hugh Borg (Species 5618: Human)
Age 9 (looks 18)

Physical Appearance

Height 5 foot 2 inches
Weight 300 pounds
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Silver
Physical Description A brown haired, silver eyed girl, who looks to be no more then 18 years of age (she is 9 years old in truth). Due to her various enhancements from the Borg and the Android named Lore, her body is different then those of the standard Borg. Her Exo-plating, even though it looks and feels like Human flesh, is in truth made of a Tripolymer alloy that allows her to take several direct energy blasts, as her Borg Adaptive Shielding adopts. This, also, made it difficult for her to move, but where parts where to move at, the Exo-plating had openings. This gives her an odd look with mostly black lines over her limbs, lower face, and down her spine.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Borg Maturation/Incubation Chamber
Mother Borg Maturation/Incubation Chamber
Brother(s) Those within the Hugh's Collective
Sister(s) Those within the Hugh's Collective
Other Family Those within the Hugh's Collective

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses (-) Difficulties understanding Humanoid behaviors and emotions
(-) Must use a regeneration chamber or will suffer from neural and cybernetic breakdown
(-) Looks to be no more then 14 years old
(-) Fiercely independent
(-) Slips into Borg Species Designations when referring to a Alien Species (even her own people)
(-) Almost a child-like wonder when confused
(-) Doesn't understand sarcasm (At all)
(-) Has a structural defect in her right shoulder joint, that requires manual realignment

(+/-) With the advancements in her nano-technology she can Hyper-Accelerate her healing process for a short time (1 hour max) (Side Effects of this process: She must enter a state of Regeneration for a period of 3 days and her energy requirements for this period are tripled (Normal Borg Alcove runs on about 30 Megawatts of power (Hyper-Accelerated Regeneration requires 90 Megawatts of power for 3 days), and she is unable to be awoken from this state of Hyper-Accelerated Regeneration. (This period of Regeneration is rebuilding her Nanites within her body and cyber-systems.)
(+/-) Stubborn

(+) Engineering Genius (Due to Borg Implanted Memory and to the Positronic Brain Enhancements (from Lore's experiments)
(+) Standard Borg Strengths (Strength, Intelligence, Adaptive Force Field, Nanites, Assimilation Tendrils, Sensor Scattering Field, Sub-Space Transponder and a Tripolymer Alloy Exo-Plating)
(+) Eidetic memory
(+) Contains the complete Borg database as of 2369
Hobbies & Interests To study new, advanced and wondrous technologies. Also, to further advance her Cyber-technologies.

Recently discovered the joys of Dancing and Singing

Personal History La Forge was born on the Hugh Borg Homeworld. Her Cyberware was more advanced then even the original's, because her incubation chamber had assimilated a piece of Lore (a Soong-type Android) and, also, from that Androids twisted and sometimes fatal experiments on those within Hugh's Collective. This made her more human-like, but still had the full Borg cyber-enhancements. Hugh the new leader of their band named her after one of his first friends; Geordi La Forge.

It took Huge and his band to build a new ship, as theirs was lost with a battle with the Enterprise D, under the command of Doctor Beverly Crusher. They had a single shuttle and sent it out into the universe to explore. To their surprise they found a galaxy at war. Those on the shuttle found wrecks of starships, they boarded an Akira-class and assimilated it. When they returned to the homeworld and all the data in the computer core was processed.

It was decided that they would help the Federation, but they couldn't just send all of them at first. So Hugh decided to send the youngest and the first among a new generation of Borgs to the aid of the Federation. They retrofitted one of the Type 7 shuttlecraft, left behind from the Enterprise Delta, and assimilated it with Borg technologies.

Once La Forge had left the Homeworld she went into the Federation territories. She was surprised when she was attacked by a Dominion Jem'Hadar Fighter. She was able to cripple them, but not without taking heavy damage. She beamed aboard various supplies that she needed for repairs. Then she jumped to warp, right before the crippled ship exploded.

She arrived in the Sol system and found a lot has changed, but her knowledge of the Federation was also out of date. Closing upon Starbase 1, using her sensor scrambler, to get a quick scan. When she set the computer to handle to scan as she went into her regeneration chamber. There was a power surge in the main reactor, which crippled the ship and dropped her sensor scrambler, and trapped her in her regeneration cycle.

It took nearly a week for Starfleet to get her disconnected from her Regeneration Cycle. She spent a year in the care of Starfleet, as they attempted to see how more advanced her systems where. After a year she was allowed to join Starfleet, only after she had an interview with Captain Picard and Commander La Forge.

She was at the Academy for nearly 2 years, because of her knowledge of Engineering and Computer systems where greater then even the teachers. There was still some concerns about her interpersonal relationships and understanding, so it was placed in her file to see a ship board Councilor. To assist in her understandings of people.

This Liberated Borg Bio is Approved by Admiral Townsend
Service Record Starfleet Academy 2 years
USS Intrepid

Private 1st Class La Forge
Damage Control Officer, USS Intrepid