Colonel Brice Kellin

Name Brice Kellin

Position Executive Officer

Rank Colonel

Last Post

Character Information

Gender Male
Place Of Origin SS Lakul
Species El-Aurian
Date Of Birth(DOB) September 5, 2293
Age 109

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11
Weight 200
Hair Color bald
Eye Color green
Physical Description Comfortable. tall. not muscular, adept and quick.


Spouse none
Children none
Father Torian
Mother Keyla
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family none

Personality & Traits

Ambitions Starfleet leadership, command of my own.
Hobbies & Interests Level 31 phaser marksman

Personal History Born of the SS Lakul during the journey with refugees after the Borg attack on El-Auria, was one of 47 survivors rescued by the USS Enterprise-B. resettled with parents on Mars.
Service Record Started at the academy in 2311, the day of the Tomed Incident

Graduated 2315

Served as Engineer on USS Ranger until 2329

Served aboard Starbase 74 2329-2350 as Strategic Operations Officer

Transferred to USS Cairo 2350 as Operations manager under Edward Jellico until Jellico's promotion to admiral and Decommissioning of Cairo in 2375 after the Battle of Cardassia

2375 to 2381 served with the Starfleet Corps of Engineers in upgrading earth planetary defenses and creation of planetary shields after Breen Attack

2381 transferred to USS Renegade as First Officer, currently serving, requesting transfer to USS Intruded under the Command of General Janeway