Commodore Paul Sleeford

Name Paul Sleeford

Position Executive Officer

Rank Commodore


  • 3 Mission Posts

Last Post

2024, Tue Oct 15th, @ 9:45am

Character Information

Gender Male
Place Of Origin Earth
MVA Assignment Vector 2
Species Human
Date Of Birth(DOB) 2391.06.12
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 175cm
Weight 120 kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color brown
Physical Description Average height, Medium weight, walks with a slight limp on left hand side.


Spouse Nil
Children Nil
Father Believed to be deceased
Mother Helen Sleeford (Was Browne)
Brother(s) Nil
Sister(s) Joan (four years younger)
Other Family Grandparents, both farmers on the colony world of Caledonia

Personality & Traits

Ambitions Like all officers, Paul would like a ship of his own, however he is realistic to know the best is probably Departmental head
Hobbies & Interests Sleedford likes reading and climbing as extra curriculum activities.

Personal History Paul Sleeford was born of Earth, his mother a designer, his father an engineer.

During his early years Pauls family could have been described as idyllic.

Around the age of nine, Sleefords fathers, building designs began to fail, leading the the deaths of several people. This lead his father into a spiral of alcohol and violence, towards his family.

This came to a head when in a rage his father nearly killed all three remaining members of the family.

Moving to Caledonia to be with his grandparents and work on the farm. During his stay he learnt the value of hard work and dedication to duty.

Leaving school Paul joined Starfleet Marine Corp, working his way up to command a cadet training squad.

During his final training exercise, during a cliff assault, the rope he was attached to snappend sending him down forty feet of sharp rocks and debris.

Landing hard on the rocks below, shattering his left hip and lower spine.

After nearly eighteen months in hospital, he was given the choice of repeating the entire course or taking a medical discharge. Leaving hospital bitter and angry, Paul headed home to drink himself into oblivion.

It came to ahead when after two years his Grandfather found him drunk, slumped against the pig sty. Picking him up his grandfather threw Paul over the wall into the sty, with the words,"If you wanna be a pig, live lik un",

For three days Paul, lay in the muck, sobering up to the smell of muck, sweat and urine, mostly his own. Paul staggered into the farm house, where his Grandfather, dragged him outside and washed him down. Throwing an old smelly blanket around his shoulders the old man sat him down and spent the next eight hours talking and talking.

Three weeks later Paul enrolled in SFA and a senior student, the oldest in his class.. Majoring in Security operations.
Service Record Left school and enrolled in SFMC.

During his last year of Marine training, Sleeford was involved in an accident that invalided him out of the corps.

Enrolled as a late entrant Commision in SFA

Graduated as a security Officer.

As yet unposted.

Assigned To USS Ark Royal as Chief Sec/Tac Officer-Commander

2402-Assigned to the USS Halo as Cheif Security Officer/Second Officer