Commander Raelyn Langley-Hess

Name Raelyn Langley-Hess

Position Retired Cast

Rank Commander


  • 2 Mission Posts

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2024, Thu Aug 15th, @ 1:35am

Character Information

Gender Female
Place Of Origin Earth
Species human
Date Of Birth(DOB) April 2
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4
Weight 120
Hair Color reddish brown
Eye Color hazel
Physical Description Raelyn Langley is a petite figure, standing at a shorter height compared to many of her peers. Her fit body size reflects her active lifestyle and dedication to physical fitness. Despite her height, she possesses a graceful and confident presence that commands attention.

Her most striking feature is her hazel eyes, which shimmer with a mix of green and brown hues, giving them a captivating and expressive quality. They are windows into her determined and ambitious nature, reflecting her inner strength and determination.

Raelyn's reddish-brown hair falls gracefully to her shoulders, framing her face with its natural waves. The warm tones of her hair complement her complexion, adding a touch of vibrancy to her appearance. Whether left loose or styled in a practical manner, her hair always gives her a touch of natural beauty.

Adorning her ears are delicate piercings, adding a subtle touch of personal style and self-expression. These small details speak to her individuality and sense of fashion, showcasing her attention to detail and her ability to incorporate her personality into her appearance.

Overall, Raelyn Langley's physical attributes, from her petite stature to her hazel eyes, reddish-brown hair, and pierced ears, come together to create a unique and captivating presence. Her appearance is a reflection of her inner strength, determination, and individuality, making her a memorable and distinctive individual at Starfleet Academy.


Spouse Aaron Heiss
Children Ember Raelyn
Father Raymond
Mother Lynnette
Sister(s) Ashley

Personality & Traits

General Overview Raelyn is a vibrant and amiable individual who effortlessly radiates friendliness and warmth. With her outgoing nature, she thrives in social settings and easily connects with others, making her a true people person. Her genuine interest in others allows her to build strong relationships and create a welcoming environment wherever she goes.

One of Raelyn's most captivating features is her expressive eyes. They are like a captivating ocean, reflecting a wide range of emotions. They can be filled with joy, excitement, and curiosity, captivating those around her. However, at times, her eyes can also convey a sense of introspection and guardedness, hinting at a deeper emotional world within her.

Overall, Raelyn's friendly and outgoing nature, coupled with her emotionally complex eyes, makes her a captivating and intriguing individual to interact with. She effortlessly brings people together and creates an atmosphere of warmth and connection wherever she goes.

Strengths & Weaknesses 1. Analytical Skills: Possesses strong analytical skills to gather and interpret data from various sources. They need to be able to analyze complex information and make informed decisions based on their findings. Their ability to identify patterns, detect anomalies, and draw logical conclusions is crucial in maintaining the ship's efficiency and safety.

2. Organizational Skills: As an operations officer, one must have excellent organizational skills to manage multiple tasks and responsibilities efficiently. They need to coordinate and prioritize various operations, ensuring that resources are allocated effectively and deadlines are met. Their organizational skills contribute to the smooth functioning of the ship's systems and processes.

3. Problem-Solving Abilities: Operations officers often face unexpected challenges and crises, requiring them to think quickly and come up with effective solutions. Their problem-solving abilities enable them to assess complex situations, identify potential risks, and devise strategies to mitigate them. They are adept at troubleshooting and finding innovative solutions to ensure the ship's operations continue smoothly.

4. Attention to Detail: In the vast and intricate world of Star Trek, attention to detail is crucial for an operations officer. They must have a keen eye for spotting even the smallest discrepancies or abnormalities in the ship's systems. Their attention to detail ensures that potential issues are addressed promptly, preventing larger problems from arising. It also contributes to the accuracy and reliability of the information they analyze.


Delegation: Some operations officers may struggle with delegating tasks and trusting others to take on responsibilities. It's important to learn to delegate effectively and empower team members, as this can lead to increased efficiency and productivity.

Communication: Clear and effective communication is crucial for an operations officer, but some individuals may struggle with this aspect. This can include difficulties in articulating thoughts, providing concise instructions, or actively listening. Recognizing this weakness and working on improving communication skills can greatly enhance teamwork and collaboration.

Perfectionist: While attention to detail and a desire for excellence are important qualities for an operations officer, being a perfectionist can have its drawbacks. A perfectionist may have difficulty accepting anything less than perfection, which can lead to excessive time spent on tasks, missed deadlines, and unnecessary stress. It can also hinder their ability to adapt quickly to unexpected situations or make timely decisions.

Stubborn: Being stubborn can be a weakness for an operations officer on a starship. If they are unwilling to consider alternative ideas or approaches, it can hinder their ability to adapt to changing circumstances or respond to new information. This inflexibility can impede problem-solving, decision-making, and overall efficiency in the operations of the starship. It's important for an officer to be open-minded and willing to consider different perspectives and solutions.
Ambitions It's wonderful to hear that Raelyn is living her dream as the chief operations officer on the station! Not everyone needs to have aspirations to climb the ranks and become a captain or commodore. Each individual has their own unique goals and ambitions, and it's important to find fulfillment and happiness in the role that resonates with them.

Raelyn's contentment with running her department as the chief operations officer is perfectly valid. Being a successful and effective leader within a specific domain is equally valuable and rewarding. By focusing on her current role, Raelyn can dedicate her energy and expertise to ensuring the smooth functioning of her department and contributing to the overall success of the station.

While it's always possible for aspirations to change in the future, it's equally important to embrace and appreciate the present. Raelyn's ability to find satisfaction and fulfillment in her current position is a testament to her dedication and passion for her work. As long as she continues to excel in her role, contribute to the team's success, and find personal fulfillment, she is on the right path to a fulfilling career as the chief operations officer.

Hobbies & Interests That's a wonderful list of hobbies and interests! It's great to see a diverse range of activities that you enjoy. Here's a brief description of each:

- Reading tech manuals: This hobby indicates a keen interest in technology and a desire to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements. It shows a dedication to learning and understanding complex technical concepts, which can be valuable in an ops officer role on a starship.

- Adventure stories: Enjoying adventure stories demonstrates a love for thrilling narratives and the excitement of exploring unknown worlds. It can inspire a sense of curiosity, imagination, and a thirst for new experiences, which can be beneficial in the high-stakes and unpredictable environment of space travel.

- Working out: Engaging in regular physical exercise is not only beneficial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle but also for building strength, stamina, and resilience. As an ops officer, physical fitness is crucial for handling physically demanding tasks and being prepared for emergencies.

- Hiking and camping: Spending time in nature through hiking and camping allows for relaxation, rejuvenation, and a connection with the natural environment. It fosters an appreciation for the beauty of the outdoors and can provide valuable skills in navigation and survival, which are important for someone working on a starship.

- Table games: Playing table games promotes strategic thinking, problem-solving, and social interaction. It can enhance teamwork, communication, and decision-making skills, which are all valuable qualities for an ops officer who needs to work closely with a team in high-pressure situations.

- Spending time with family: Prioritizing quality time with loved ones, such as your husband and daughter, is important for personal well-being and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. It allows for emotional support, bonding, and creating cherished memories, which can help rejuvenate and motivate you in your role as an ops officer.

Overall, your hobbies and interests reflect a well-rounded individual who enjoys intellectual challenges, physical activities, and meaningful connections with loved ones.

Personal History Raelyn Langley had a wonderful childhood filled with love and support from her family. Her father worked as a farmer, taking care of their land and cultivating crops, while her mother freelanced from home, allowing her to be there for her daughters. Raelyn was the youngest of three sisters, with Ashley and Brielle being her older siblings. The bond between the three girls was incredibly strong, especially during their early years. They spent countless hours playing together, exploring their imaginations, and being there for each other through thick and thin.

As they grew older and started school, their individual personalities began to shine through. Raelyn found herself fascinated with computers and technology. She would often spend time with her father, helping him fix broken farming equipment and learning about how the machines worked. While her sisters were more interested in fashion and style, Raelyn was content running around in a simple shirt and jeans, focused on her passion for computers.

Their differences in interests sometimes led to teasing from her sisters, but it never diminished the bond they shared. Raelyn's love for computers and her knack for fixing equipment only grew stronger. While in middle school, Raelyn met Aaron Hess. She really liked him and they started dating. Raelyn wanted to spend all her time with him and they were inseparable. The one thing that bothered her was his impulsiveness, even thought she knew he felt trapped, in a small town going nowhere.

Raelyn knew that she loved Aaron, despite that they looked at life different, she loved the side of him that tried new things and wished that she could be more like him instead of having everything mapped out. Sometimes she wanted to throw her life plan out the window but she couldn’t. Everytime she looked in his eyes she saw Aaron as someone with so much potential, but she knew he didn’t see that she thought she was a bit biased.

Raelyn's high school years were filled with a mix of uncertainty, self-discovery, and heartbreak. At the beginning of her sophomore year, she entered high school with the belief that she was wasting her time and should be helping her father at home. However, everything changed when she had a profound conversation with her counselor about the future and the endless possibilities that awaited her.

Inspired by this conversation, Raelyn decided to explore different courses that could lead to a career beyond working with her dad. She attended a job fair where she stumbled upon information about Starfleet Academy, sparking a deep interest in either helping as an Operations Officer or Engineer.

That evening, she told Aaron of her desire to join Starfleet and make something of herself. He listeners to her and she knew he cared. It he deflected by changing the subject to something she deemed insignificant. The evening wore on and by the time he dropped her off at home they had broken up. Raelyn ran to her room with a broken heart and cried her eyes out. She really loved him and knowing they wanted different things out of life didn’t help.

During her sophomore year, Raelyn also joined the debate club and played on the girls' soccer team. It was during this time that she encountered Billy Knowles, a few months after breaking up with Aaron, . At first, she brushed him off, not wanting another relationship, but he was cute and she found she liked him.

With Brienne’s encouragement, Raelyn found herself dressing up for school and soon they started dating. However, Billy was unsure about his own future, wavering between the idea of joining the Academy or staying and working with his dad. As she always did, Raelyn determined he should really want to join Starfleet it would be perfect for them.

In the midst of their senior year, Billy made a difficult decision and confided in Raelyn that he couldn't leave their small farm town life. He enjoyed working with his father and had explored alternative paths to stay together, but ultimately, he couldn't commit to a different future. This revelation wasn’t a surprise to Raelyn, she had already suspected it. She felt heartbroken but deep down, she knew that her and Billy weren’t meant to be. He belonged in the small town while her dreams would take her far away.

Despite the heartbreak, Raelyn's determination for a brighter future remained steadfast. She realized that she couldn't settle for a life on the farm anymore, as her dreams and aspirations had grown beyond that. High school became a pivotal time for Raelyn, as she discovered her own ambitions and the drive to pursue a path that would lead her to a fulfilling and meaningful life beyond her small town.

Relationship with Siblings:

Raelyn grew up in a loving and tight-knit family, with her older sisters Ashley and Brielle by her side. Despite only a two-year age gap, they were more than just siblings - they were best friends. They shared countless interests and hobbies, creating a solid foundation for their unbreakable bond.

However, as they entered adulthood, their career paths diverged. Ashley set her sights on law school, driven by her passion for justice and the desire to become a lawyer. On the other hand, Brielle's dreams led her to pursue a medical career, as she embarked on the challenging journey of medical school.

Raelyn, with a free spirit and a thirst for adventure, chose a different path. She decided to attend the academy after high school, surprising her entire family with her unconventional choice. Yet, despite the initial shock, her family rallied behind her, supporting her pursuit of her dreams.

Saying goodbye was never easy for Raelyn when her sisters left for their respective schools. However, distance did not diminish the deep connection they shared. Raelyn made sure to stay in touch with her sisters, talking to them frequently, even though they were physically apart. Their bond transcended time and distance, a testament to the strength of their sisterhood.

Raelyn knew she was incredibly fortunate to have such a close and loving family. Their unwavering support and the unbreakable bond they shared gave her the courage to pursue her own path and embrace the opportunities that lay ahead.

Relationship with Aaron Hess:

Raelyn and Aaron's relationship was a unique and complex one. From the moment they met, there was an undeniable connection between them. They were drawn to each other, despite their differences. Raelyn saw in Aaron a potential for greatness, a man capable of achieving his dreams if only he would take them seriously. She wanted to be with him all the time.

However, Raelyn also noticed that Aaron seemed trapped. Aaron was held back by a belief that he would always be stuck in the same place, unable to pursue his own aspirations. Whenever Raelyn tried to encourage him to think bigger and believe in himself, he would brush it off and laugh, not taking her seriously. This discrepancy in their outlooks and goals eventually became a source of tension between them. Raelyn realized that pushing him had not helped them but driven a space between them. She couldn’t help him, he had to help himself.

The breakup was devastating for Raelyn. She was heartbroken and felt as if her world had shattered. Initially, she wanted to retreat into her room and hide from the pain. But as time went on, Raelyn found the strength to move forward. She encountered Aaron a few times at school but he went in the opposite direction, obviously wanting to avoid her.

Although a part of Raelyn would always carry love for Aaron and cherish the memories they shared, she understood the importance of moving on. She knew that she deserved someone who shared her dreams and aspirations, someone who would support and challenge her to become the best version of herself. It was her hope also that Aaron discovered himself without her constant pushing him who he wanted to be. She knew without a doubt that he was going to be happier once he discovered what that was.

Raelyn embarked on a journey of self-discovery and healing, determined to create a future that was fulfilling and true to her own desires.

Relationship with Billie Knowles:

During her last three years of high school, Raelyn met Billy Langley. They spent a lot of time together , and it was not uncommon to see Billy at Raelyn's house or the two of them going out on dates together.

As their relationship seemed to grow, they shared their dreams and aspirations for the future. While Billy’s plans were not yet set in stone, Raelyn couldn't help but sense that he might choose to stay in their small town and follow in his father's footsteps as a farmer. Despite Billy’s claims of wanting to attend the academy, Raelyn noticed subtle signs that his true passion lay in the farm, things she hadn't seen when he spoke about the academy. She wondered if he knew and was afraid to say something to her.

One evening, as they pulled up to the lake at sunset, Raelyn gathered the courage to confront Billie about his dreams. Their eyes locked, and she urged him to be honest with her, assuring him that she already had an inkling of his desires. Raelyn listened attentively as Billie opened up about his love for the farm and his attempts to reconcile his dreams with their relationship.

In that moment, Raelyn reached out and held Billy’s hand, understanding the conflict within him. As much as the farm meant to him, she knew that the academy held the same significance for her. After hours of heartfelt conversation, soul-searching, tears, and even laughter, they made the difficult decision to break up and remain friends, allowing each other the freedom to pursue their individual dreams.

The initial aftermath was challenging for both Raelyn and Billy. Saying goodbye was never easy, but with time and space, they managed to find their footing. Graduating from high school marked a new chapter as they embarked on separate paths, each following their own dreams.

Though their romantic relationship had come to an end, their friendship remained intact. Raelyn and Billy cherished the memories they had created together and supported each other in their respective journeys. They understood that pursuing their dreams meant making difficult choices, but they remained grateful for the time they had shared and the lessons they had learned from one another.

Service Record Starfleet Academy Earth:

Raelyn's transition from her small farming town in Iowa to Starfleet Academy on Earth was a mix of nerves and excitement. It had been her dream since her freshman year of high school, and now that she was finally here, it almost felt surreal.

As she went through the registration process, Raelyn couldn't help but notice a series of unexpected occurrences. Firstly, she was initially assigned to flight control instead of operations, causing a momentary confusion. Thankfully, the mistake was rectified, and she was directed to the correct department.

While Raelyn waited, her mind wandered and a picture of Aaron popped into her mind. She wondered what he did after graduation. She had seen him get his diploma but hadn’t caught sight of him again. Raelyn had dreamed of going to the Academy with him but it wasn’t meant to be. The funny thing was when she thought of Billy she didn’t feel any regret.

However, the surprises didn't end there. When Raelyn arrived at her assigned cadet quarters, she discovered that it was meant for two people, yet four cadets were already occupying the space. It seemed like a logistical oversight, but amidst the chaos, a stroke of luck found its way to Raelyn.

Sharing the room with her was Ciara O'Rourke, a first-year engineer cadet from Ireland. Instantly, a connection formed between the two girls. They quickly became friends, bonding over their shared experiences and aspirations within Starfleet Academy.

Raelyn told Ciara about both Aaron and Billy. About how strange it was she felt nothing when thoughts of Billy came. But it was hard to think of Aaron because she always thought about what could have been, had she been patient. Ciara told her she believed that if they were meant to be fate would give them a second chance. Raelyn thought Ciara was trying to make her feel better.

Raelyn and Ciara found solace in each other's presence, navigating the challenges of their first year together. They supported one another through the rigorous academic demands and the adjustments of living in a new environment. Their friendship blossomed, becoming a source of comfort and encouragement as they embarked on their respective paths within the academy.

The next two years at Starfleet Academy were filled with rigorous classes and collaboration between Raelyn and her roommate, Ciara. As engineers and operations officers, they worked closely together, supporting and assisting each other along the way. Although they had busy schedules, they managed to attend a few parties and Raelyn occasionally went on dates, although she wasn't interested in pursuing anything more.

Throughout her time at the academy, Raelyn couldn't help but compare the guys she met to Aaron, her first love. She admitted to herself that she missed him and wondered where he had ended up. Despite these thoughts, Raelyn focused on her studies and made the most of her time with Ciara.

During the summer before their last year, Raelyn had the opportunity to visit Scotland with Ciara, creating cherished memories that would stay with her forever. As their final year began, Raelyn and Ciara found themselves incredibly busy, with little time for sleep or socializing. They managed to squeeze in lunch or dinner once a week, if they were lucky.

Before they knew it, graduation day arrived, and Raelyn was overjoyed to see her parents and sisters in attendance. They had a small family reunion, celebrating their achievements. However, Raelyn's happiness was tinged with the anticipation of receiving her assignment. After bidding farewell to Ciara, who was heading in a different direction, Raelyn eagerly looked forward to the new adventures and challenges that awaited her. She once again, wished things could have worked out and Aaron could have been with her.

USS Arizona: 2391 - 2495

Raelyn's first assignment on the USS Arizona had filled her with excitement and wonder. It was her favorite class of ships, and she was mesmerized by its grandeur. However, as the days turned into endless shifts in the operations department, the initial excitement began to wear off.

Raelyn yearned for a chance to serve on the bridge, to be at the heart of the action. Weeks went by, and Raelyn's hopes of getting a shift on the bridge seemed elusive. But then, an opportunity presented itself when she was asked to cover for someone else. With determination and enthusiasm, Raelyn embraced the chance to prove herself.

It started as a quiet night, nothing out of the ordinary until about three in the morning lights started blinking in her console that there was a problem with a portion of the crew quarters. She called for engineering and then set about having the affected crew members relocated until they were certain it was safe to return. When her shift was over, Raelyn received thanks for her quick thinking from the bridge duty officer.

It was during an all hands party that Raelyn's gaze fell upon Aaron across the room. Long-forgotten feelings rushed back, and she felt a strong urge to say something to him but the way they had ended she just couldn’t. Raelyn knew she had been young her head full of plans she had made and she had never considered his feelings. Besides, for all she knew he was married or in a serious relationship.

One day, while she was having her replicated dinner alone, a Betazoid woman named Zory sat down across from her. Zory, a science officer like Aaron, quickly sensed Raelyn's unresolved feelings for him. At first, Raelyn was defensive, unwilling to admit her lingering emotions. But Zory's insight and empathy broke through her barriers.

Zory gently encouraged Raelyn to confront her fears and try to mend things with Aaron. But Raelyn was scared to put herself out there. She feared that Aaron no longer cared, and she doubted if she could handle the potential rejection. What if Zory was wrong? The uncertainty paralyzed her.

However, the weight of her unspoken feelings became unbearable. With Zory's persistent urging, Raelyn finally made up her mind to take action. With Zory's help, she devised a plan to catch Aaron alone in Zory’s quarters. Nervously, she stood and waited for him to come there. Zory had told him to meet her there and he could just go in and make himself comfortable.

Raelyn spoke the moment Aaron entered, begging him to hear her out. She was so nervous she was afraid she might be sick but instead she shook it off.

As Raelyn looked into Aaron's eyes, she found a mixture of surprise, confusion, and perhaps a glimmer of hope. Gathering her courage, she began to speak, expressing her deepest apologies for the pain she had caused and the regrets she had carried all this time. She acknowledged that their breakup had been a significant mistake, the biggest regret she had growing up had been losing him.

Aaron smiled at her after a moment. He held out his hand and they headed to his quarters where they talked about everything. After that, their relationship deepened, they had both matured and they now had a more solid love for one another.

Raelyn continued to work hard in the operations department. She really liked what she was doing and found herself picking up more bridge shifts, mostly Gamma shift. No one wanted to work it and she felt it would get her noticed.

She was on an away team on an uncharted planet when Raelyn and Commander Brady were separated from the others. A storm was coming in and unable to contact the ship, they searched for shelter when the commander was injured by a falling tree. Raelyn helped him to a cave and took care of him until the storm passed. She used the tools she had learned and splinted his leg as well as heated stones with her phaser to stay warm. When they returned to the ship, Raelyn was commended for her actions .

In 2492, Raelyn was surprised when Aaron asked her to marry him . He had been promoted to Assistant Science Chief the the year before, she was happy for him.

In 2393, Raelyn was promoted to Assistant Operations Officer. She was proud of her accomplishment and worked diligently to do the best she could. Raelyn knew the chief had enough to do, she would help lighten his load. They became fast friends and she learned a lot from him.

It was also the year they got married, December 10. Raelyn was very happy that her parents and sisters were able to be there. Brielle stood up for her. It was a day she would never forget. Getting married on Risa had been everything she had heard it was.

Raelyn served as assistant chief operations on the USS Arizona until Aaron accepted a
Transfer to the USS Iowa. The chief position in the Arizona was open but she turned it down to take the assistant position on the USS Iowa to be with Aaron. It was what Raelyn wanted and it was her career.

USS Iowa 2395 - 2399:

Raelyn was excited for the opportunity to serve on a new ship and to watch Aaron as his career advanced. She could sense his excitement and was truly happy for him.

As she settled into being the assistant chief of operations, Raelyn found it to be a world of difference with the chief stationed there. He was hardened and had high expectations. Raelyn met them but at times she wondered if it was worth it.

Then, tragedy struck. Their security chief had been killed on an away mission and it had hit Aaron very hard. She was there for him, offering him comfort, advice but she could see that he was determined to follow his own path and there wasn’t anything she could do but support him.

Raelyn watched as Aaron became an officer she hardly recognized, playing it safe and not being the one he was meant to be. She would offer advice if asked but she realized he had to do this without her help. The last time she had tried to change him had ended up badly she wouldn’t make that mistake again.

In 2396, Raelyn was once again up for promotion to chief operations officer but a transfer for a more seasoned chief was granted and again her chance to become a chief meant leaving to another starship. Raelyn chose to stay in the assistant position, not wanting to be separated from Aaron.

In 2398, Raelyn saw Aaron go from over cautious to being in the front line of any dangerous mission that came along. She was worried about and expressed to him that it was time for him to stop blaming himself. She reminded him that command comes with choices and that he needs to move forward and for the first time she felt like he truly listened.

In 2398, with Raelyn’s support, Aaron accepted a position on the USS Missouri, promoting from second officer to first.

USS Missouri: 2499 - 2402:

Raelyn saw a marked improvement in Aaron when he stepped in as first officer on the USS Missouri. She could see the familiar look in his eyes that he was moving forward.

While Aaron worked hard to succeed, Raelyn was doing the same in Operstions. The chief operations officer fell ill the fourth month after they came on board and within a month, he had to leave the assignment and Raelyn was promoted to Operstions Chief. She felt bad about the way she got the position and struggled with feeling a bit unworthy.

Raelyn, however, was proud of Aaron and how his career was progressing. He had gone on a mission and it was so successful that Raelyn knew he had solidified his career by showing how skilled he was.

Raelyn and Aaron started talking about having a family. They had always wanted a couple children. Aaron didn’t want to until he had his own command and Raelyn saw his point so they chose to wait.

As sometimes happens, their dreams were gone when the Borg invaded on Frontier Day of 2401. The events of this would leave The Federation and Starfleet in scattered pieces trying to out itself back together again.

Raelyn has vague memories of the attack. One minute she was on the bridge, two days later she woke up in sickbay, Aaron by her bedside. . She had been attacked from behind by a crew member, her hearing temporarily lost due to phaser fire, too close to her ear but it had saved her life. On occasion, she had a nightmare but they have faded with time.

When Aaron asked Raelyn to leave Starfleet, it should have been a hard decision but she knew that they both needed this time away. Aaron expressed how he felt shaken, as she did as well. It was time to put themselves first and figure out what they want for the future.

As they left the ship and Starfleet, Raelyn and Aaron left with uncertainties of where they were headed and what they would do. Raelyn wasn’t certain what it would bring them but she knew as kind as they were together they would be fine.

Life Without Starfleet:

Raelyn knew that Aaron had a lot of demons to deal with, she had some of her own. She shoved them to the back and concentrated on being there for Aaron. He had a lot of trauma and she wanted him to gain a full recovery. She loved him and would do her part.

While they were away, they decided to start a family and soon welcomed Ember Raelyn into the world. Raelyn will freely admit to anyone who asks that Aaron named their daughter, with no help from her. She was their savior as Ember caused both Aaron and Raelyn to smile once more. Happiness spread through them and the healing process had begun.

When Aaron mentioned a position open for first officer in 7th fleet, she urged him to request it. This would be a good position for him to take to get back into the fleet. It was fortunate they were lookin for an Operations Chief as well.

Raelyn looked forward to this new chapter in their lives. Also to watch her husband flourish in his career and hopefully one day he would have a ship of his own, that was his dream.