Petty Officer 1st Class Quoiba Quest

Name Quoiba Quest

Position Retired Cast

Rank Petty Officer 1st Class


  • 2 Mission Posts

Last Post

2024, Fri Feb 16th, @ 5:11am

Character Information

Gender Female
Place Of Origin Sulcoah Research Station
Species Modified Human
Date Of Birth(DOB) 24th December 2372
Age 30 Looks 16
Nick Name Q

Physical Appearance

Height 5 foot 6
Weight 62
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Toffee
Physical Description Quoiba Quest or Q as she is known is 30 years of age, however, looks 16. She carries around identification proving how old she actually is. See Personal History for more information. Q has smooth unmarked skin. Her medium brown hair which hangs between her shoulders and her waist. She wears no makeup or cosmetics.


Spouse N/A
Children Sterile.
Father Jessub Quest
Mother Ronha Quest
Brother(s) Bridge - 33 years
Bruce - 33 years
Quinton - 31 years
Quitan - 30 years
Scott - 28 years
Stuart - 25 years
Harris - 23 years
Henry - 21 years
Skye - 19 years
Baxter - 17 years
Chris - 14 years
Toy - 12 years
Sister(s) Beli - 30 years (Q's twin)
Belinda - 25 years
Collete - 23 years
Brooke - 21 years
Ally - 16 years
Amy - 16 years
Wanda - 16 years
Imagden - 14 years
Meme - 11 years
Magpie - 10 years

Other Family Family Note - Q has no wish to have anything to do with her family. She is not happy that they caused her condition, nor that no one believes that such science officers would do that.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Q dislikes her parents ad won't have anything to do with any member of her family. She is absolutely sick of having to go through every day of living as a teenager. She is beyond angry at her parents, who can't see what they did was wrong. They see it as her way of paying back science. Q is not an individual who deals in fantasy. She is a realist. She doesn't want to know about science, she just wants to be left alone.
Strengths & Weaknesses Her medical condition is both her strength and weakness.
Ambitions To be normal.
To look her age.
To not stand out.
Hobbies & Interests Reading, exercising, skateboarding, rollerblading, extreme sports, skeleton, luge, bobsledding.

Personal History Q comes from a family that believes everyone owes science. She knows that her parents and maybe others in her close knit family were responsible for her medical condition but while she used to try and find out who did what and what was done, she has never been able to establish who did what, nor what actually happened. Her genetics, cells and brain was altered somehow and she now lives life looking like she's sixteen. She doesn't seem to be capable of physically aging. She feels aches and pains but has no bodily damage. If she cuts herself, her wound heels automatically. If she gets a tattoo, her body eats the ink until there is nothing left. No matter how much she eats, she never gets fat, she's stuck in the body that she has. She's sick of being a teenager. She's sick of having to hand over identification, of having to argue with others, proving she's not sixteen. She doesn't talk about her family. She goes out of her way to avoid science people. She wears rollerblades, and skates around whatever tasking she's on. She climbs ladders in her rollerblades. She crawls in her rollerblades. She's as comfortable in them as she is in her bare feet.

Family Note - Q has no wish to have anything to do with her family. She is not happy that they caused her condition, nor that no one believes that such science officers would do that.

Thanks to Mad, she comes with two small female marines who ensure that her family does not get close or make contact with her.
Service Record Q escaped her family when she was twelve. She was told about Maddison Black and sort her out. Laying everything out in front of Mad, Q was accepted into her group. Damage Control Engineering, turned out to be just what she needed. The rest of the women went out of their way to keep her family from seeking, or reaching out to her. She's been a member of the DCE community for six years, and has had her marine bodyguards for ten years. She has worked her way from DCE to WDDCE to DCE1 over that period.