Welcome to the Task Force Guardian

On the Class M planet Valt, Star Base 113 proudly stands as a symbol of unwavering strength and resilience against potential Klingon threats. Nestled within Valt's rugged terrain, the base is a marvel of engineering, fortified with advanced technology and formidable weaponry. Its imposing silhouette looms over the horizon, a testament to the Federation's commitment to security and protection.

Equipped with the latest in defensive technology, Star Base 113 boasts an intricate network of long-range sensors and phaser arrays, capable of swiftly detecting and neutralizing any incoming threat. Its skilled crew, comprised of some of the Federation's finest personnel, undergo rigorous training to ensure seamless operation and readiness for any eventuality.

Task Force Guardian, the vanguard of Federation defense, leads the charge in safeguarding the Federation Territory from the relentless Klingon threat. At the helm of this formidable task force is the USS Enterprise, the flagship, with the USS Halo, a massive cruiser bristling with advanced weaponry and cutting-edge technology, serving as its second-in-command. This imposing flagship and its formidable second-in-command instill confidence in allies and strike fear into the hearts of adversaries.

Supporting the USS Enterprise and USS Halo are other equally impressive vessels. The USS Voyager, a Lamarr class, excels in reconnaissance and rapid response missions. The multi-mission USS New Orleans stands ready to undertake a diverse array of tasks, from combat engagements to diplomatic endeavors. The USS Townsend, a sleek long-range scout ship, is armed with cutting-edge sensors and communication technology, making it an invaluable asset for intelligence-gathering missions. Serving as the steadfast backbone of the task force, the USS Resolute, a Centaur class, and the USS California, a powerful battleship, are equipped with heavy armor and advanced weaponry, ready to face any threat head-on.

Task Force Guardian's courage, tenacity, and adaptability make them a formidable force, capable of addressing any challenge that dares to cross their path. Their unwavering dedication to maintaining peace and safeguarding the Federation Territory serves as a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Federation.

From the distant stars to the limitless expanse of space, the ships of Task Force Guardian embody the very essence of the Federation's noble ideals. Their unwavering commitment to defending the Federation is an awe-inspiring testament to the courage and determination of humanity, serving to inspire all who gaze upon the celestial canvas with hope and wonder.

Task Force Guardian Rating-The Only Sim To Have the 3-3-3 Rating
RPG Rating 3 3 3

3-Swearing and mature language is permitted.

3-Sexual content may be described in detail

3-Explicit violence is permitted


Fleet Group

Task Force Guardian

Current Fleet Alert Status




Latest News Items

» Halo Rank Color Change

Posted on 2024, Tue Oct 15th, @ 9:02am by Admiral Christopher Townsend in Halo News

Command, Operations, are now GOLD

Sec/Tac, Strategic Operations and Engineering are now RED

Black- Intel

White- Communications and Civilians

Teal -Science

Cyan - Medical

Green- Marine and Fighter Pliots

» Current Alert Condition

Posted on 2024, Mon Sep 30th, @ 10:20am by Admiral Christopher Townsend in Alert Conditions

Current Fleet Alert Status




» test

Posted on 2024, Wed Aug 14th, @ 5:07am by Admiral Christopher Townsend in Halo News

this is a test

» Player of the Month June/July

Posted on 2024, Thu Aug 8th, @ 3:26am by Admiral Christopher Townsend in Halo News

Emily Janeway is for June and Dorna Villersh July 2024



» Fleet Monthly Awards Forum

Posted on 2024, Thu Aug 8th, @ 3:10am by Admiral Christopher Townsend in Halo News

Fleet Monthly Awards Forum has went out, Please fill it out, Its due by next wensday Monthly Fleet Awards THIS IS FOR MONTHS OF JUNE AND JULY https://forms.gle/Dv6VA5gbpsSyT6oJ8

Latest Mission Posts

» Your Cleared, Now Lets Get to Work

Mission: Baptism By Fire
Posted on 2024, Sat Aug 31st, @ 9:45am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Commodore Emily Janeway

The soft hum of the starbase's systems created a quiet backdrop as Commodore Janeway stood outside Admiral Townsend's office. It had been two months since the incident—a poisoning that nearly ended her career, if not her life. The recovery had been grueling, with multiple surgeries and weeks of bio-containment, but…

» Baptism By Fire: Prologue

Mission: Baptism By Fire
Posted on 2024, Fri Aug 30th, @ 5:59pm by Commander Vanessa Shepard 's & Commander Annika Hansen 'S & Vice Admiral Katie Snow & Commodore Emily Janeway & Captain Liam Shaw & Captain Olivia Smith & Captain Selk & Commander MOO Richardson IX & Lieutenant Commander Cormac Situs & Admiral Christopher Townsend & Lieutenant Aubrie Fox

Part 1: Enroute to the Gorn
- - - -
The Resolute was on a joint mission with the Enterprise and Voyager. As the relationship with the Gorn was a shaky one. But they needed access to their Dilithium mines and other precious materials. Open communication was open between ship…

» Baptism By Fire: Part 1/2 Ship Crews

Mission: Baptism By Fire
Posted on 2024, Fri Aug 30th, @ 4:39pm by Captain Eris Talon 'S & Commander Vanessa Shepard 's & Commander Annika Hansen 'S & Commodore Emily Janeway & Captain Liam Shaw & Captain Selk & Commander MOO Richardson IX & Ensign Sidney La Forge & Admiral Christopher Townsend

[Co Head GM/Co Owner Note: Use this post to respond to ship damage and talk to your respective Captains. Under joint comms you are communicating with ship to ship radio.
Under ship titles you are speaking to only your crew.]

Joint Ship Communications Radio

» Baptism By Fire: Part 2 [Space]

Mission: Baptism By Fire
Posted on 2024, Fri Aug 30th, @ 4:35pm by Captain Eris Talon 'S & Commander Annika Hansen 'S & Commodore Emily Janeway & Captain Liam Shaw & Captain Nero

The battle seems lost as Enterprise and Resolute have been critically hit. Resolute has crashed into the planet. Enterprise drifting into space debris as small explosions go off on it's decks. Voyager is seemingly their only hope. a distress beacon was launched from Enterprise before it was fully losing power…

» Arrival

Mission: Revenge Of Group Omega
Posted on 2024, Fri Aug 30th, @ 2:05pm by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Commodore Paul Sleeford

Sleeford stepped through the hatch and walked along the short corridor to the docking ring of SB113. exiting he stepped to one side to allow the ensigns and others to rush out, he could feel their excitement coming off in waves. A feeling he recalled well. the joining of a…

Latest Personal Logs

» Chief Medical Officers Log 240208.30

Posted on 2024, Fri Aug 30th, @ 9:22am by Commander Ardon Devasia

Chief Medical Officers Log Stardate 240208.30

We have received and secured Medical Supplies for Cestus-3. Several nurses and medical technicians have have also transferred in, so I have a mountain of paperwork to do as I attempt to administrativelyrack and stack them. I always feel a little anxious when we…

» Captains Personal Log #1

Posted on 2024, Wed Aug 28th, @ 2:52am by Captain Eris Talon 'S

"Captains log, stardate 79175.2. It's been a day since we jumped toward the Gorn Home World. The shop hasn't been out of dry dock too long but I loom forward to seeing how f
she fairs. I've gotten a First Officer, a Vulcan. Didn't expect that would be the case…

» Personal log

Posted on 2024, Wed Aug 28th, @ 1:55am by Captain Selk

First officers personal log stardate 79175.2

As my first few days as First Officer on board the Resolute, I feel comfortable being here. However, as we are on this one mission we are on we are about to run into the Gorn. However, the Gorn aren't very not cooperative with…

» Truth is stranger than Fiction.

Posted on 2024, Wed Aug 28th, @ 12:33am by Commander MOO Richardson IX

Moo did not aggressively seek out confrontation. His sole physical contact outside of the unarmed combat classes was in a turbo lift, when a momentary loss of artificial gravity due to a fault in Engineering had resulted in the turbo-lift spiraling out of control. During this event, the fall ended…

» Can't you hear me? A song about my Father.

Posted on 2024, Thu Aug 22nd, @ 5:30pm by Captain Amelia Faye 's

"This is Amelia, Star Date 2402. This piece I wrote back in the Academy, I've since revised it. If you can see me, wherever you are father I hope you hear this song beyond the horizon."

"Can you hear me tonight, tears welling in these eyes, shattered beyond repair? I…